MCL - Act 352 of 1925


Act 352 of 1925

AN ACT to provide for the purchase and condemnation of private property for public highway purposes.

History: 1925, Act 352, Imd. Eff. May 27, 1925

The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Document Type Description
Section 213.171 Section Property; acquisition by county road or state highway commissioners; approval of required officials.
Section 213.172 Section Property for county and trunk line; conveyances, name, fluid mineral and gas rights, recording.
Section 213.173 Section Payment of purchase price for property.
Section 213.174 Section Determination of necessity by board or commissioner; hearing.
Section 213.174a Section Determination of necessity by circuit court commissioner if board or commissioner is disqualified.
Section 213.175 Section Determination of necessity; filing and recording; compensation for property.
Section 213.176 Section Possession notice; vesting of title; removal of obstructions on property.
Section 213.177 Section Petition; circuit court to appoint commissioners to determine damages.
Section 213.178 Section Petition; order for hearing, service.
Section 213.179 Section Petition; service upon guardians; guardian ad litem.
Section 213.180 Section Petition; constructive service; order for appearance.
Section 213.181 Section Order for appearance; publication; mailing and service of order.
Section 213.182 Section Order for appearance; proof of publication and service; filing.
Section 213.183 Section Default of persons not appearing; court-appointed commissioners; discontinuance.
Section 213.184 Section Commissioners; meetings, adjournments; witnesses.
Section 213.185 Section Commissioners; view of premises; hearing; evidence of ownership.
Section 213.186 Section Commissioners; appraisal of damages; reports.
Section 213.187 Section Commissioners; not necessary to include all parcels of property in same petition.
Section 213.188 Section Benefits to owners; deduction from damage costs.
Section 213.189 Section Orders of court upon determination and in regarding commissioners.
Section 213.190 Section Confirmation of commissioner's report; witness, attorney, damage fees.
Section 213.191 Section Compensation of highway condemnation commissioners; expenses.
Section 213.192 Section Prima facie evidence; certificate, report, or determination.
Section 213.193 Section Right to acquire property of municipalities and cemetery associations; exchange.
Section 213.194 Section Sale of excess land; conveyance; record.
Section 213.195 Section Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.
Section 213.197 Section Review by certiorari; procedure; time limitations.
Section 213.198 Section State highway commissioner or deputy may conduct proceedings.
Section 213.199 Section All notices and orders; service.