house resolution no.356

Reps. Posthumus, Breen, Garza, Haadsma, Koleszar, Kuppa, Morse, Rogers, Sabo, Steenland, Weiss and Whiteford offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare October 2022 as Library Appreciation Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, The Michigan Library Association (MLA) annually designates the month of October as a statewide observance to celebrate the contributions of Michigan's public, school, academic, tribal, cooperative, and special libraries; and 

Whereas, Michigan’s libraries continue to evolve and expand their services and now offer more programs, events, services, resources, and collections than ever to serve and support their communities; and

Whereas, Libraries are now dynamic centers of discovery and lifelong learning – serving as concert venues, art galleries, tourist destinations, meeting spaces, community living rooms, makerspaces, study rooms, and more; and

Whereas, Libraries now offer patrons much more to borrow than books, including tablets and laptops, mobile hotspots, tools, games, movies, music, and more – serving as an indispensable resource for children, teens, adults, and seniors; and

Whereas, Libraries provide free access to information to millions of Michiganders allowing them to explore and discover a vast world of information and entertainment; and  

Whereas, Libraries provide materials and programs that are as diverse as the people they serve, while protecting patron’s privacy and supporting their right to read; and

Whereas, Libraries serve as the primary point of access for people without internet or access to computers, enabling everyone to connect to the people and ideas of the world; and

Whereas, Michigan libraries are indispensable educational and cultural institutions in the heart of our communities, offering Michiganders a place to gather, socialize, study, and learn; and

Whereas, Hundreds of libraries and millions of library supporters across Michigan are celebrating Michigan Library Appreciation Month this October; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare October 2022 as Michigan Library Appreciation Month in the state of Michigan. During this time, all  residents are encouraged to visit their library in person or virtually and connect to the numerous services, resources, and collections their library now provides.