MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/12/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

House Bill 5331 of 2017



Administrative procedure: rules; State agencies (existing): environmental quality
Administrative procedure; rules; environmental rules; establish a special review committee. Amends secs. 33, 39a, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 & 47 of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.233 et seq.) & adds secs. 65 & 66.


[PDF] [HTML] House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
12/06/2017 HJ 94 Pg. 2082 introduced by Representative Curt VanderWall
12/06/2017 HJ 94 Pg. 2082 read a first time
12/06/2017 HJ 94 Pg. 2082 referred to Committee on Natural Resources
12/12/2017 HJ 96 Pg. 2122 bill electronically reproduced 12/06/2017