Committee Meeting

Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.

Committee(s): Oversight
Chair: Rep. Steven Johnson
Clerk: Edward Sleeper
Clerk Phone: (517) 373-2002
Location: Room 326, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
Date: Wednesday 06/15/2022
Time: 02:30 PM
Time Notes: or immediately following session.
HB 6184 (Rep. Julie Alexander) Health: diseases; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to an epidemic; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature and require emergency order to include certain information.

HB 6185 (Rep. Mary Whiteford) Insurance: other; 1933 PA 66; repeal.

HB 6186 (Rep. Ann Bollin) Financial institutions: banks; authority to close certain banks and savings and loan association definitions; modify.

HB 6187 (Rep. Daire Rendon) Natural resources: other; emergency order regarding mineral wells; repeal.

HB 6188 (Rep. Andrew Fink) Mobile homes: other; summary suspension of license; repeal.

HB 6189 (Rep. Greg VanWoerkom) Environmental protection: solid waste; denial of construction permit or operating license and grounds for order revoking, suspending, or restricting permit or license; modify.

HB 6190 (Rep. Ann Bollin) Trade: securities; grounds for denial, revocation, suspension, or postponement of license; modify.

HB 6191 (Rep. Sue Allor) Natural resources: mining; abandoned mine reclamation fund; repeal.

HB 6192 (Rep. Beau LaFave) Natural resources: hunting; department of natural resources' ability to issue orders suspending an open season for fish, game, or fur-bearing animals; repeal.

HB 6193 (Rep. Andrew Fink) Housing: inspection; provision related to infected and uninhabitable dwellings to be vacated; modify.

HB 6194 (Rep. Bronna Kahle) Health: diseases; time limits on certain orders issued in response to imminent dangers; provide for.

HB 6195 (Rep. Mary Whiteford) Health: other; time limitations on actions taken by the director in response to a menace to public health; provide for.

HB 6196 (Rep. Sue Allor) Water supply: quality and standards; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to safe drinking water act; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature.

HB 6197 (Rep. Daire Rendon) Trade: consumer goods and services; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to adulterated products; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature.

HB 6198 (Rep. Steven Johnson) Labor: health and safety; notice to the legislature; require the department to provide after it petitions the court regarding an imminent danger.

HB 6199 (Rep. Julie Alexander) Agriculture: diseases and pests; notification to legislature of dangerous insects or infectious diseases found to exist; require.

HB 6200 (Rep. Mark Tisdel) Human services: county services; notice to legislature of suspension of payments; require.

HB 6201 (Rep. Beth Griffin) Health: controlled substances; suspension of controlled substance license if imminent danger to public health or safety; require notice to legislature.

HB 6202 (Rep. David Martin) Energy: other; notification to legislature of a declaration of state of energy emergency; require within 24 hours.

HB 6203 (Rep. Steven Johnson) Water supply: dams; actions ordered or taken by the department under certain emergency orders; modify.

HB 6204 (Rep. Jack O'Malley) Natural resources: nonnative species; actions ordered or taken by the department under certain emergency orders; modify.

HB 6205 (Rep. Jack O'Malley) Watercraft: other; requirement to notify legislature when department issues orders; provide for.

HB 6206 (Rep. Beth Griffin) Administrative procedure: rules; requirement for additional extension; provide notification to the legislature.

HB 6207 (Rep. Andrew Beeler) Natural resources: mining; requirement to notify legislature when department issues orders; provide for.

HB 6208 (Rep. Beau LaFave) Natural resources: mining; actions ordered or taken by the department suspending mining operations; modify.

HB 6209 (Rep. Timothy Beson) Health: other; issuance of an order to require immediate action to protect occupational or public health and safety; require department to provide notice to legislature.

HB 6210 (Rep. Bronna Kahle) Health facilities: licensing; emergency order summarily withdrawing mammography authorization; require department to notify legislature after issuance of order.

HB 6212 (Rep. Jeff Yaroch) Fire: other; circuit court order to abate, remove, correct, or discontinue a fire hazard; require state fire marshal to provide notice to certain members of the legislature within 24 hours.

HB 6213 (Rep. Gary Eisen) Drains: other; actions ordered or taken by the department of a filing petition; modify.

HB 6214 (Rep. Julie Calley) Health: diseases; warning notice issued to individuals who are health threats to others; require department or local health department to notify legislature after issuance of notice.

And any other business properly before the committee.

In the spirit of compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), individuals with a disability should feel free to contact the Committee Clerk's Office by phone [(517) 373-0015] or by TDD [(517) 373-0543] if requesting special services to effectively participate in the meeting