HB 6184 (Rep. Julie Alexander) Health: diseases; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to an epidemic; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature and require emergency order to include certain information.
HB 6185 (Rep. Mary Whiteford) Insurance: other; 1933 PA 66; repeal.
HB 6186 (Rep. Ann Bollin) Financial institutions: banks; authority to close certain banks and savings and loan association definitions; modify.
HB 6187 (Rep. Daire Rendon) Natural resources: other; emergency order regarding mineral wells; repeal.
HB 6188 (Rep. Andrew Fink) Mobile homes: other; summary suspension of license; repeal.
HB 6189 (Rep. Greg VanWoerkom) Environmental protection: solid waste; denial of construction permit or operating license and grounds for order revoking, suspending, or restricting permit or license; modify.
HB 6190 (Rep. Ann Bollin) Trade: securities; grounds for denial, revocation, suspension, or postponement of license; modify.
HB 6191 (Rep. Sue Allor) Natural resources: mining; abandoned mine reclamation fund; repeal.
HB 6192 (Rep. Beau LaFave) Natural resources: hunting; department of natural resources' ability to issue orders suspending an open season for fish, game, or fur-bearing animals; repeal.
HB 6193 (Rep. Andrew Fink) Housing: inspection; provision related to infected and uninhabitable dwellings to be vacated; modify.
HB 6194 (Rep. Bronna Kahle) Health: diseases; time limits on certain orders issued in response to imminent dangers; provide for.
HB 6195 (Rep. Mary Whiteford) Health: other; time limitations on actions taken by the director in response to a menace to public health; provide for.
HB 6196 (Rep. Sue Allor) Water supply: quality and standards; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to safe drinking water act; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature.
HB 6197 (Rep. Daire Rendon) Trade: consumer goods and services; time limits on emergency orders issued in response to adulterated products; provide for unless extension is approved by the legislature.
HB 6198 (Rep. Steven Johnson) Labor: health and safety; notice to the legislature; require the department to provide after it petitions the court regarding an imminent danger.
HB 6199 (Rep. Julie Alexander) Agriculture: diseases and pests; notification to legislature of dangerous insects or infectious diseases found to exist; require.
HB 6200 (Rep. Mark Tisdel) Human services: county services; notice to legislature of suspension of payments; require.
HB 6201 (Rep. Beth Griffin) Health: controlled substances; suspension of controlled substance license if imminent danger to public health or safety; require notice to legislature.
HB 6202 (Rep. David Martin) Energy: other; notification to legislature of a declaration of state of energy emergency; require within 24 hours.
HB 6203 (Rep. Steven Johnson) Water supply: dams; actions ordered or taken by the department under certain emergency orders; modify.
HB 6204 (Rep. Jack O'Malley) Natural resources: nonnative species; actions ordered or taken by the department under certain emergency orders; modify.
HB 6205 (Rep. Jack O'Malley) Watercraft: other; requirement to notify legislature when department issues orders; provide for.
HB 6206 (Rep. Beth Griffin) Administrative procedure: rules; requirement for additional extension; provide notification to the legislature.
HB 6207 (Rep. Andrew Beeler) Natural resources: mining; requirement to notify legislature when department issues orders; provide for.
HB 6208 (Rep. Beau LaFave) Natural resources: mining; actions ordered or taken by the department suspending mining operations; modify.
HB 6209 (Rep. Timothy Beson) Health: other; issuance of an order to require immediate action to protect occupational or public health and safety; require department to provide notice to legislature.
HB 6210 (Rep. Bronna Kahle) Health facilities: licensing; emergency order summarily withdrawing mammography authorization; require department to notify legislature after issuance of order.
HB 6212 (Rep. Jeff Yaroch) Fire: other; circuit court order to abate, remove, correct, or discontinue a fire hazard; require state fire marshal to provide notice to certain members of the legislature within 24 hours.
HB 6213 (Rep. Gary Eisen) Drains: other; actions ordered or taken by the department of a filing petition; modify.
HB 6214 (Rep. Julie Calley) Health: diseases; warning notice issued to individuals who are health threats to others; require department or local health department to notify legislature after issuance of notice.
And any other business properly before the committee.