Revised Statutes of 1846 (EXCERPT)
555.7 Payment of consideration for conveyance to another; resulting trust, alienee title.
Sec. 7.
When a grant for a valuable consideration shall be made to 1 person, and the consideration therefor shall be paid by another, no use or trust shall result in favor of the person by whom such payment shall be made; but the title shall vest in the person named as the alienee in such conveyance, subject only to the provisions of the next section.
History: R.S. 1846, Ch. 63
CL 1857, 2637
CL 1871, 4120
How. 5569
CL 1897, 8835
CL 1915, 11571
CL 1929, 12973
CL 1948, 555.7
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