Act 39 of 1893

AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of supreme and subordinate senates of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order; and to impose certain duties upon the department of commerce.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 107, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

457.621 Knights of Essenic Order; incorporation.

Sec. 1.

     That the supreme and subordinate senates of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order of the state of Michigan may be incorporated in pursuance with the provisions of this act.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8107 ;-- CL 1915, 10581 ;-- CL 1929, 10782 ;-- CL 1948, 457.621

457.622 Supreme senate; incorporators; articles of association, execution, contents.

Sec. 2.

     Any 9 or more persons, residents of this state, being members of any supreme senate of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order of the state of Michigan, and desiring to become incorporated may make and execute articles of association under their hands and seals which said articles of association shall be acknowledged before some officer of the state, having authority to take acknowledgment of deeds and shall set forth:
     First, The names of the persons associating in the first instance and their places of residence;
     Second, The corporate name by which such association shall be known in the law, and the place of its business office;
     Third, The object and purpose of such association shall be to promote the social advancement of its members in accordance with the laws of this state, the general welfare of the fraternity known as the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order; and the period, for which it is incorporated, not exceeding 30 years.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8108 ;-- CL 1915, 10582 ;-- CL 1929, 10783 ;-- CL 1948, 457.622

457.623 Supreme senate; filing articles of association, charter, and constitution with department of commerce; signers of articles, associates, and successors as body politic and corporate; powers and authority.

Sec. 3.

     A copy of said articles of association, together with a copy of the charter and constitution of said supreme senate, shall be filed with the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce, and thereupon the persons who shall have signed such articles of association, their associates and successors, shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name expressed in the articles of association, and by that name they and their successors shall have succession, and shall be persons in the law, capable to purchase, take, receive, hold, and enjoy to them and their successors, estates real and personal, of suing and being sued, and they and their successors may have a common seal which may be changed and altered at their pleasure: Provided, That the value of such real and personal estate shall not exceed the sum of $50,000.00, and that they and their successors shall have authority and power to give, grant, sell, lease, demise, and dispose of said real and personal estate or any part thereof, at their will and pleasure and the proceeds, rents, and income shall be devoted exclusively to beneficent and benevolent purposes of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order. Said corporation shall have full power and authority to make and establish rules, regulations, and by-laws, for regulating and governing all the affairs and business of said corporation, according to the laws of this state and the United States and to designate, elect, or appoint from its members such officers under such name and style as shall be in accordance with the constitution of the supreme senate.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8109 ;-- CL 1915, 10583 ;-- CL 1929, 10784 ;-- CL 1948, 457.623 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 107, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982

457.624 Evidence of existence and incorporation.

Sec. 4.

     A copy of the record of such articles of association, under the seal of the department of commerce, duly certified according to law, shall be received as prima facie evidence in all courts of this state of the existence and due incorporation of such corporation.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8110 ;-- CL 1915, 10584 ;-- CL 1929, 10785 ;-- CL 1948, 457.624 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 107, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982

457.625 Subordinate senates; chartering; existing senates; regulation.

Sec. 5.

     Such corporation when duly formed, shall have power to institute and charter subordinate senates within the state and from time to time to make, ordain, constitute, and establish such constitution, laws and by-laws, ordinances and regulations, as the supreme senate shall judge proper for the regulation and government of such subordinate senates, not repugnant to the laws of this state: Provided, That the existing subordinate senates, heretofore duly chartered by the supreme senate, shall be subject to the control of the supreme senate, under this act as heretofore, and in the same manner and to the same extent, as those that may be hereafter instituted and chartered under this act: Provided, further, That in case the corporators or persons, associating in the first instance, shall by death, resignation or for other cause, under the rules of the supreme senate, become ineligible to act in such capacity their successors may, from time to time, be appointed by the supreme senate.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8111 ;-- CL 1915, 10585 ;-- CL 1929, 10786 ;-- CL 1948, 457.625

457.626 Subordinate lodge; incorporation; making, executing, and filing articles of association; signers of articles, associates, and successors as body politic and corporate; powers.

Sec. 6.

     Any 9 or more persons, residents of this state, being members of a subordinate lodge of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, having been duly chartered by the supreme senate, being desirous to become incorporated, may make and execute articles of association specifying as in section 2, of this act, and file a copy of the same with the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce, and thereupon the persons, who shall have signed said articles of association, their associates and successors shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name expressed in such articles of association, and by that name they and their successors, shall have succession, and shall be persons in law capable to purchase, hold, enjoy, grant, sell, give, lease, and demise real and personal estate; of suing and being sued, and may have a common seal and change and alter the same at pleasure; and a certified copy of the record of such articles of association, under the seal of the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce, shall be received as prima facie evidence in all courts of this state of the existence and due incorporation of such corporation: Provided, Said corporation shall be limited to the powers and provisions of section 3 of this act, regarding real and personal estate, and the proceeds thereof, under the rules and regulations of the supreme senate and may elect or appoint from among its members such officers, under such name and style, as shall be in accordance with the constitution.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8112 ;-- CL 1915, 10586 ;-- CL 1929, 10787 ;-- CL 1948, 457.626 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 107, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982

457.627 Erection of building; capital stock, creation, shares; cemetery.

Sec. 7.

     Any corporation formed in pursuance of this act, may erect and own a suitable edifice, buildings or hall, as to such corporation shall seem proper, with convenient rooms for the meetings of the fraternity of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order; and for that purpose may create a capital stock of not more than 50,000 dollars, to be divided into shares of not more than 25 dollars each; and any such corporation may take, purchase, hold and own such suitable lot or parcel of ground as may be convenient for the purpose of a cemetery, and may make all lawful rules and regulations for the disposition of the lots and the burial of the dead therein, as to such corporation may seem proper.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8113 ;-- CL 1915, 10587 ;-- CL 1929, 10788 ;-- CL 1948, 457.627

457.628 Encampments; incorporation, powers.

Sec. 8.

     Any grand encampment of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order of the state of Michigan, and any subordinate encampment thereof, having been duly chartered, may be incorporated in like manner as grand and subordinate senate of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, and enjoy the same powers and privileges and benefits under the provisions of this act.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8114 ;-- CL 1915, 10588 ;-- CL 1929, 10789 ;-- CL 1948, 457.628

457.629 Governing law; amendment of act.

Sec. 9.

     All corporations formed under this act shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 73 of the Compiled Laws of 1871 of the state, so far as the same may be applicable to corporations formed under this act, and the legislature may alter or amend this act at any time.

History: 1893, Act 39, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8115 ;-- CL 1915, 10589 ;-- CL 1929, 10790 ;-- CL 1948, 457.629
Compiler's Notes: The reference in this section to chapter 73 of the Compiled Laws of 1871 evidently was intended to be to chapter 73 of the Compiled Laws of 1857 or to chapter 130 of the Compiled Laws of 1871. See MCL 450.504 to 450.525.

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