MCL - Index of 150-1967-1
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
150-1967-1 | CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (32.501...32.533) |
Section 32.501 | Michigan military act; short title. |
Section 32.503 | Michigan military act; intent, construction. |
Section 32.505 | Definitions. |
Section 32.507 | Rules and regulations for administration of act; promulgation by adjutant general. |
Section 32.509 | State military establishment; composition; organized and unorganized militia. |
Section 32.511 | State code of military justice; application; jury and posse comitatus duties. |
Section 32.513 | Officers and enlisted personnel; pay and allowances; appropriations. |
Section 32.514 | Administrative workday and workweek during active state service or special duty; actual workday and workweek. |
Section 32.515 | Subsistence. |
Section 32.516 | Expired. 1978, Act 567, Eff. Jan. 1, 1982. |
Section 32.517 | Privilege from arrest and imprisonment; exemption from levy of execution, seizure, or attachment; adjournment of pending lawsuits; forfeitures; seizure or sale of chattels; utility service. |
Section 32.519 | National guard compensation board; members, appointment and duties. |
Section 32.521 | Line of duty; definition. |
Section 32.523 | Line of duty; construction, presumptions. |
Section 32.525 | Duty; construction. |
Section 32.527 | Leave accrual during active state service or special duty; leave without pay. |
Section 32.529 | Officers and enlisted personnel; continuation until expiration of term. |
Section 32.531 | Officers' bonds; force and effect. |
Section 32.533 | Repealed. 2013, Act 99, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2013. |