MCL - Index of 150-1967-4

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
150-1967-4 CHAPTER 4 STATE DEFENSE FORCE (32.651...32.687)
Section 32.651 Michigan volunteer defense force; conditions for activating; limitation on organization; list of former officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel; funding; reference to Michigan defense force; affirmative action guidelines; weapons; reports.
Section 32.655 State defense force and unorganized militia; determination of emergency.
Section 32.659 Service or enlistment; duration.
Section 32.663 Oaths required of officers and enlisted personnel.
Section 32.667 Oaths and affirmations; administration by commissioned officer.
Section 32.671 Officers and enlisted personnel; appointment, duties and authority; records.
Section 32.675 Officers and enlisted personnel; qualifications for appointment and promotion; application of act.
Section 32.679 Training and discipline regulations.
Section 32.683 Pay and allowances.
Section 32.687 Michigan state troops; references.