MCL - Index of 236-1961-10B.

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
236-1961-10B. CHAPTER 10B. MENTAL HEALTH COURT (600.1090...600.1099a)
Section 600.1090 Definitions.
Section 600.1091 Mental health court; participants from other jurisdictions; certification by state court administrative office required.
Section 600.1092 Hiring or contracting with treatment providers.
Section 600.1093 Admission to mental health court.
Section 600.1094 Admission to mental health court of individual charged in criminal case; conditions; mental health services before entry of plea; withdrawal of plea; additional rights of victim under William Van Regenmorter crime victim's rights act.
Section 600.1095 Admission to mental health court; requirements; jurisdiction; fee.
Section 600.1096 Services provided by mental health court; exit evaluation; confidentiality of information obtained from assessment, treatment, or testing.
Section 600.1097 Participation in and completion of mental health court program; compliance with court orders; accusation of new crime; judge discretion to terminate; payment of costs; objection to written individual plan of services; notice.
Section 600.1098 Successful completion or termination; findings on the record or statement in court file; applicable law; discharge and dismissal of proceedings; criteria; discharge and dismissal of domestic violence offense; circumstances; discharge and dismissal under subsection (3); duties of court upon successful completion of probation or court supervision; termination or failure of participant to complete program; duties of court; records closed to public inspection and exempt from disclosure.
Section 600.1099 Mental health court; collection of data; maintenance of files or databases; standards; disclosure.
Section 600.1099a Mental health court; expenditure of funds by supreme court; quarterly reports; advisory committee; technical and training assistance.