MCL - Index of 299-1980-18A

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
299-1980-18A ARTICLE 18A (339.1851.added...339.1873.added)
Section 339.1851.added Definitions.
Section 339.1853.added Operation of refrigeration facility; licensure; application; applicability.
Section 339.1855.added Removal service; certificate of registration; application; authorized vehicle; transportation of a dead human body.
Section 339.1857.added Contract for services; prohibited entities.
Section 339.1859.added Designation of manager of refrigeration facility; duties; prohibited conduct.
Section 339.1861.added Storage of dead human body by refrigeration facility; requirements.
Section 339.1863.added Holding room requirements.
Section 339.1865.added Transportation of dead human body; limitations; equipment requirements and maintenance.
Section 339.1867.added Transportation of dead human body; authorized vehicle; requirements and maintenance.
Section 339.1869.added Possession of employer identification; required.
Section 339.1871.added System for identification of a dead human body; inspections.
Section 339.1873.added Compliance with local, state, and federal laws.