MCL - Index of 331-1966-2-12

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
331-1966-2-12 CHAPTER 12 BOARDS OF TRUSTEES (389.151...389.158)
Section 389.151 Community college district; board of trustees, eligibility.
Section 389.152 Member of community college board; nomination; election.
Section 389.153 Candidates for board of trustees; withdrawal, notice.
Section 389.154 Candidate for board of trustees; death, withdrawal, removal from district, or disqualification; election.
Section 389.155 Board of trustees; election; certificates of election.
Section 389.156 Board of trustees; oath of office and acceptance, filing.
Section 389.157 Board of trustees; vacancies, causes.
Section 389.158 Filling vacancies.