MCL - Index of 368-1978-12-131.

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
368-1978-12-131. PART 131. BODY ART FACILITIES (333.13101...333.13112)
Section 333.13101 Definitions.
Section 333.13102 Tattoo, brand, or body piercing on minor; consent and proof of authority of parent or guardian required.
Section 333.13103 Repealed. 2010, Act 375, Imd. Eff. Dec. 22, 2010.
Section 333.13104 Tattooing, branding, or performing body piercing; licensure of body art facility required; application; form; issuance; duration; temporary license; fees; adjustment.
Section 333.13105 Inspection by local health department; results; recommendation; annual inspection; license nontransferable.
Section 333.13105a Access to body art facility; books and records; findings; inspection report; order to immediately cease operation of facility; license limitations.
Section 333.13106 License renewal.
Section 333.13107 Licensee; duties.
Section 333.13108 Enforcement.
Section 333.13109 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; civil action.
Section 333.13110 Giving or selling tattooing, branding, body piercing kit or device to minor prohibited; violation; fine.
Section 333.13111 Local codes, regulations, or ordinances; variance.
Section 333.13112 Individual under influence of alcohol or controlled substance; prohibition.