MCL - Index of 368-1978-12-135

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
368-1978-12-135 PART 135 RADIATION CONTROL (333.13501...333.13537)
Section 333.13501 Definitions; principles of construction.
Section 333.13505 License, registration, or exemption required.
Section 333.13506 Applicability of MCL 333.13505 and 333.13515 to 333.13536.
Section 333.13511 Agreements as to inspections, environmental monitoring, or other functions.
Section 333.13515 Department as radiation control agency; duties generally.
Section 333.13516 Finding of emergency; emergency order; hearing; continuing, modifying, or revoking order.
Section 333.13517 Right of entry to determine compliance or violation; warrant; search and seizure.
Section 333.13518 Operation of environmental monitoring systems; collection and coordination of radiation data.
Section 333.13521 Rules generally.
Section 333.13522 Rules; avoiding dual licensing; recognition of other state or federal licenses; schedule of fees; deposit of fees; nonrefundable fees in connection with mammography authorization; waiver of fee; waiver prohibited; adjustment of fees.
Section 333.13523 Radiation machine; registration; temporary authorization; authorization; standards; application; certificate; inspections; denial or withdrawal of authorization; hearing; emergency order; reinstatement of authorization; fine; notice; rules; definitions.
Section 333.13524 Mammogram demonstrating dense breast tissue; notification to patient; information to be provided in report; "dense breast tissue" defined.
Section 333.13525 Licensing, regulation, or registration by municipalities prohibited.
Section 333.13527 Use of handheld dental X-ray system; registration requirements; "handheld dental X-ray system" defined.
Section 333.13531 Radiation advisory board; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; expenses; duty to furnish technical advice.
Section 333.13535 Violations; penalties.
Section 333.13536 Injunction; order directing compliance.
Section 333.13537 Part subject to MCL 324.1401 to 324.1429.