MCL - Index of 368-1978-2-23

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
368-1978-2-23 PART 23 BASIC HEALTH SERVICES (333.2301...333.2321)
Section 333.2301 Identification of priority health problems; preparation and basis of proposed list of basic health services.
Section 333.2302 Annual budget request to include proposed list of basic health services and proposed program statement; review and comment.
Section 333.2305 Proposed program statement; contents.
Section 333.2311 Proposed health services as basic health services; revision, publication, and dissemination of list and program statement.
Section 333.2321 Availability and accessibility of basic health services; demonstration upon request; basic health service as required service; notice of nonavailability or nonaccessibility; investigation; notice to complainant.