MCL - Index of 407-2016-5

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 339.5501 Complaint; submission.
Section 339.5503 Complaint; investigation of allegations; correspondence file; acknowledgement; complaint made by department.
Section 339.5505 Investigation; petition to issue subpoena.
Section 339.5507 Investigation; report; closing of complaint; action.
Section 339.5509 Summary suspension of license; order; affidavit; administrative proceedings; petition to dissolve order; hearing; granting request; exception; record.
Section 339.5511 Order to cease and desist; hearing; action to restrain and enjoin.
Section 339.5513 Summary suspension order, cease and desist order, or injunctive relief; addition to other action.
Section 339.5515 Formal complaint and notice; service; alternatives; informal conference; settlement; contested case hearing.
Section 339.5517 Showing compliance with act, rule, or order in contested case hearing.
Section 339.5519 Hearing.
Section 339.5521 Subpoena.
Section 339.5523 Determination of findings of fact and conclusions of law; hearing report.
Section 339.5525 Assessment of penalties; determination; basis; transcript; time limits; issuance of final order; board member prohibited from participation in final determination.
Section 339.5527 Petition; review.
Section 339.5529 Petition; writing; reasons.
Section 339.5531 Issuance of license based on review of qualifications.
Section 339.5533 Decision to place limitation; petition to review; reply; removal of limitation.
Section 339.5535 Grievance under former act.
Section 339.5537 Citation; issuance; conditions; contents; "employee of the department" defined.
Section 339.5539 Citation; notice of acceptance or denial of violation; signature; return; placement in records; force and effect as final order; disclosure; removal; explanation; statement; formal complaint.
Section 339.5541 Effect of signature.