NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 324.4101 Definitions.
Section 324.4102 Department of natural resources; powers.
Section 324.4103 Sewerage systems; inspection by department.
Section 324.4104 Sewerage systems; rules; classification of sewage treatment works; examinations; issuance and revocation of certificates; supervision by certified operator; training program for certified operator; fees.
Section 324.4105 Sewerage systems; plans and specifications; rules; permit for construction; minor modifications; misdemeanor.
Section 324.4106 Sewage treatment works; reports; false statement; penalty.
Section 324.4107 Inspection of plans and specifications; inspection of sewerage systems; recommendations or orders; compliance.
Section 324.4108 Sewerage system; planning, construction and operation; cooperation; compliance; "private, investor-owned wastewater utility" defined.
Section 324.4109 Engineers and other assistants; employment.
Section 324.4110 Commencement of civil action by attorney general; jurisdiction; additional relief; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; appearance ticket; enforcement; "minor offense" defined.
Section 324.4111 Actions brought by department.
Section 324.4112 Expedited review process for certain projects.
Section 324.4113 Infrastructure construction fund.
Section 324.4301 Waterworks systems, sewers, and disposal plants; acquisition, construction, equipping, operation, and maintenance; acquisition of land; powers of local units of government.
Section 324.4302 Waterworks systems, sewers, and disposal plants; mortgage bonds.
Section 324.4303 Waterworks systems, sewers, and disposal plants; supervision and control by local units of government; rules; establishment, certification, and assessment of rates or charges.
Section 324.4304 Mortgage bonds; manner of payment; sinking fund.
Section 324.4305 Sewers and disposal plants; granting franchise to private corporation.
Section 324.4306 Contract to receive, treat, transfer, and process sewage, night soil, garbage, and refuse; charges.
Section 324.4307 Sewage system, solid waste facility, or waterworks system; bonds generally.
Section 324.4308 Waterworks systems, sewers, or disposal systems; court order; plans and specifications; authorization and issuance of bonds.
Section 324.4309 Construction of part.
Section 324.4310 Waterworks systems, sewers, or disposal plants; court proceedings.
Section 324.4311 Waterworks systems, sewers, or disposal plants; agreements between local units of government and municipalities as to bonds.
Section 324.4312 Local units of government; contract power; approval.
Section 324.4501 “Municipality” defined.
Section 324.4502 Legislative determinations.
Section 324.4503 Bond issuance; authorization; amount; purpose.
Section 324.4504 Bonds; issuance in series; resolution of administrative board; sale of bonds.
Section 324.4505 Revenues; disposition.
Section 324.4506 Bonds; negotiability; tax exempt.
Section 324.4507 Legal investments.
Section 324.4508 Bonds; question; submission to electors; ballot; form.
Section 324.4509 Submission to electors.
Section 324.4510 Bonds; appropriation to make prompt payment.
Section 324.4511 Approval of electors.
Section 324.4701 Definitions.
Section 324.4702 Department of natural resources; powers and duties.
Section 324.4703 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; joint municipal action to form district; filing, contents, and consolidation of petition.
Section 324.4704 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; petition; hearing; notice; adjournment; determination as to territory affected.
Section 324.4705 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; hearing; determination of no necessity; record; determination of necessity; referendum; rules; creation of authority; application; petitions to include additional territory; legal status of district; certificate.
Section 324.4706 Permanent governing body; nomination, election, and terms of directors; certification of election; vacancy; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; quorum; concurrence of majority for determination; expenses.
Section 324.4707 Employment of executive secretary, technical experts, officers, agents, and employees; qualifications, duties, and compensation; delegation of powers and duties; furnishing copies of documents and other information; availability of writings to public; execution of surety bonds; records; annual audit; designation of representatives to advise and consult on questions of program and policy.
Section 324.4708 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; powers.
Section 324.4709 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; contracts with municipalities; construction, improvement, enlargement, extension, operation, and financing; pledge of payment; resolution; approval by electors; issuance of bonds.
Section 324.4710 Sewage disposal and water supply districts; contract sewage treatment; income; application.
Section 324.4711 Detachment of territory from participating municipality; contractual obligations; bonds; redemption.
Section 324.4712 Existing systems; self-liquidating revenue bonds.
Section 324.4901 Definitions.
Section 324.4902 State sewer construction fund; grants; funding.
Section 324.4903 State sewer construction fund; establishment; eligibility.
Section 324.4904 State sewer construction fund; disposition.
Section 324.4905 Grants; application; amount; limitations.
Section 324.4906 State sewer construction fund; disbursements.
Section 324.4907 Rules.
Section 324.4908 State agencies; officers and employees; use; purpose; grant recipients; records.
Section 324.4909 Priority establishment and project certification procedures; compliance prerequisite to grant.
Section 324.4910 Collecting sewer projects; pollution control needs; assignment of points.
Section 324.4911 Total priority points; computation; tied projects; assignment of priority.
Section 324.4912 Fiscal year; filing application for grant; assignment of point total; certification of projects; condition of certification; time extensions; validity of application; report to legislature; approval or rejection of projects.
Section 324.5001 Definitions.
Section 324.5002 Water asset management council; membership; term; removal; advisory committees.
Section 324.5003 Duties.
Section 324.5004 Asset management plans.
Section 324.5005 Annual report.
Section 324.5006 State funding; capital improvement program; report.
Section 324.5007 Training needs; multi-asset management system.
Section 324.5008 Central data storing agency.
Section 324.5101 “Land disposal wastewater management program” defined.
Section 324.5102 Submission of views as to environmental consequences, cost effectiveness, and social acceptability of program.
Section 324.5103 Implementation of program; approval or disapproval.
Section 324.5201 Definitions.
Section 324.5202 Strategic water quality initiatives loan program; establishment; purpose; asset management program; content; criteria; interest rate.
Section 324.5203 Loan application by municipality; process; agreement; disposition of money received as repayment.
Section 324.5204 Strategic water quality initiatives fund; creation; disposition of money or assets; investment; funds remaining at close of fiscal year; expenditures; fund as security.
Section 324.5204a Strategic water quality initiatives grant program.
Section 324.5204b Nonpoint source water pollution; expenditures; limitation; requirements; selection of projects; expenditures subject to generally accepted accounting principles; annual report; use of fund; "facility", "release", and "response activity" defined.
Section 324.5204c Nonpoint source water pollution; brownfield redevelopment grants and loans to municipalities and brownfield redevelopment authorities; development of materials; applications.
Section 324.5204d Grant program within strategic water quality initiatives fund; establishment; purpose.
Section 324.5204e Grant program; purpose; conditions; application and review process; contents; approval; agreement; terms; report.
Section 324.5204f Wetland mitigation bank funding program.
Section 324.5205 Rules.
Section 324.5206 Legislative findings.
Section 324.5301 Definitions.
Section 324.5302 Construction of part; broad interpretation of powers; prohibited grants or loans; liability for costs.
Section 324.5303 Cooperative regional or intermunicipal projects; planning document; public participation activities; notice; public comment; development of priority list; submission of priority list to legislature; effective date of priority list; other actions not limited.
Section 324.5303a Scoring criteria for the prioritization of projects; departmental duties.
Section 324.5304 Assistance; requirements.
Section 324.5305 Descriptions and timetables for actions.
Section 324.5306 Intended use plan; preparation and submission; purpose; public participation; contents of plan; notice of approval; notification of municipality; information to be provided; schedule.
Section 324.5307 Project planning documents; review; approval or disapproval; extension of review period; notice of deficiencies; review of subsequent submittals.
Section 324.5307a Environmental review of planning documents; necessity of environmental assessment; issuance of findings; environmental impact statement; compliance with national environmental policy act; reevaluation; action limitation.
Section 324.5308 Application for assistance; requirements; revenue source; acceptance; notice of additional information required; approval or disapproval of application.
Section 324.5309 Segmentation of a project.
Section 324.5310 Project subject to bypass; notice to municipality; extension of schedule; effect of bypass.
Section 324.5311 Order of approval; certification of eligibility; establishment of interest rates.
Section 324.5312 Termination of assistance; determination; causes; notice; repayment of outstanding loan balance; requirements under state or federal law.
Section 324.5313 Petition; orders; repayment of outstanding loan balance; requirements under state or federal law.
Section 324.5313b Project responsibilities of municipality; departmental guidance.
Section 324.5313c State revolving administration fund.
Section 324.5314 Costs of administering and implementing part; payment.
Section 324.5315 Repealed. 2012, Act 560, Imd. Eff. Jan. 2, 2013.
Section 324.5316 Powers of department.
Section 324.5317 Repealed. 2022, Act 132, Imd. Eff. June 30, 2022
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Section 324.5401 Definitions; A to C.
Section 324.5402 Definitions; D to N.
Section 324.5403 Definitions; P to W.
Section 324.5404 Water suppliers; qualifications for assistance.
Section 324.5405 Water suppliers; application for assistance; planning document requirements.
Section 324.5406 Priority list of projects eligible for assistance; effective first day of fiscal year.
Section 324.5406a Scoring criteria for the prioritization of projects; departmental duties.
Section 324.5407 Identification of projects in fundable range.
Section 324.5407a Segmentation of a project.
Section 324.5408 Planning documents; environmental review; categorical exclusion; criteria; environmental assessment; finding of no significant impact; environmental impact statement; record of decision; project reevaluation for compliance with national environmental policy act requirements; action prohibited during public comment period.
Section 324.5409 Application for fund assistance; contents; availability of revenue sources; acceptance of applications by department; liability for incurred costs.
Section 324.5410 Water suppliers; responsibility to obtain permits or clearances; incorporation of provisions, conditions, and mitigative measures; review of documents by department; enforcement.
Section 324.5411 Application for assistance; review by department; order of approval; incorporation of other documents; use of project assistance as matching requirements; eligibility certification.
Section 324.5412 Bypassed projects.
Section 324.5413 Determination to terminate assistance; issuance of order by department; cause; written notice to water supplier; repayment of outstanding loan balance not affected; other state and federal requirements not relieved; responsibility for settlement costs.
Section 324.5414 Determination to terminate assistance; petition by water supplier; issuance of order by department; cause; repayment of outstanding loan balance not affected; other state or federal laws not relieved; responsibility for settlement costs.
Section 324.5415 Annual establishment of interest rates.
Section 324.5415a Project responsibilities of water supplier; departmental guidance.
Section 324.5416 Administration and implementation costs; payment sources.
Section 324.5417 Powers of department.
Section 324.5418 Appeal; judicial review.
Section 324.5419 Repealed. 2002, Act 451, Eff. Sept. 30, 2003.