MCL - Index of 451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-1 SUBPART 1 (324.41501...324.41504)
Section 324.41501 Saginaw bay; public shooting and hunting ground.
Section 324.41502 Saginaw bay; trespassers; prosecution.
Section 324.41503 Saginaw bay; hunting.
Section 324.41504 Saginaw bay; control; rules; enforcement; violation of subpart; penalty.
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-2 SUBPART 2 (324.41505...324.41507)
Section 324.41505 Lake Erie submerged lands in Monroe and Wayne counties; public shooting and hunting ground; fishing privileges.
Section 324.41506 Lake Erie submerged lands; trespassers; navigation.
Section 324.41507 Lake Erie submerged lands; destruction of submarine vegetation; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-3 SUBPART 3 (324.41508...324.41515)
Section 324.41508 Great Lakes, Kalamazoo, Grand and Muskegon rivers; submerged and swamp lands; public shooting and hunting grounds; boundaries; excluded lands.
Section 324.41509 Public shooting and hunting ground; inclusion of subsequently acquired swamp or submerged lands.
Section 324.41510 Swamp or submerged lands; ratification of certain conveyances; title.
Section 324.41511 Land subject to fish and game laws; navigation; private and municipal dockage.
Section 324.41512 Trespassers; officers to protect possession; operation of statute of limitations.
Section 324.41513 Control by county commissioners; permissible destruction of submarine vegetation.
Section 324.41514 Destruction of submarine vegetation; consent required; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 324.41515 Driving ducks away from hunters; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; navigation.