MCL - Index of 58-1998-11

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
58-1998-11 CHAPTER 11 (436.2101...436.2115)
Section 436.2101 Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; resolution; petition; notice; submission of question to electors; ballot; canvass; effect of tie vote; use of section to nullify referendum vote prohibited.
Section 436.2101a Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 applicable to petitions; penalties.
Section 436.2103 Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; annexation of territory to city prohibiting sale; continuance of license; referendum.
Section 436.2105 Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; referendum; license to serve spirits in addition to beer and wine for consumption on premises; application; approval; fee; referendum in certain townships.
Section 436.2107 Manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquor; county option; form of ballot; notice of prohibition.
Section 436.2109 Ordinance prohibiting retail sale of alcoholic liquor; adoption; duration; election; affirmance or revocation; prohibition.
Section 436.2111 Sunday sale of beer and wine during certain hours; circumstances for prohibiting.
Section 436.2113 Selling at retail, or buying spirits or mixed spirit drink on Sunday; sale of spirits or mixed spirit drink for consumption on or off premises on Sunday; resolution; petition; election; form of ballot; voting; violation as misdemeanor; exception; selling and buying alcoholic liquor from December 24 to 26; legislative bodies authorized to prohibit sale of alcoholic liquor on certain days; "motorsports entertainment complex" defined.
Section 436.2114 Selling, giving away, furnishing, or buying alcoholic liquor or spirits on any day; annual fee.
Section 436.2115 Sale of spirits or mixed spirit drink on Sunday; additional fee; disposition of revenue.