MCL - Index of Act 189 of 1966

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 189 of 1966 SEARCH WARRANTS (780.651 - 780.659)
Section 780.651 Issuance of search warrant; requirements; making affidavit for search warrant or search warrant by electronic or electromagnetic means; signing; proof; oath or affirmation; impression seal; nonpublic information; suppression order.
Section 780.652 Search warrant; grounds for issuance.
Section 780.652a Search warrant; search and seizure of hair, tissue, blood, or other fluids.
Section 780.653 Judge or district court magistrate's finding of reasonable or probable cause; basis of finding; basis and contents of affidavit.
Section 780.654 Search warrant; direction of warrant; contents; order to suppress affidavit.
Section 780.655 Property seized upon search; tabulation; filing; suppression order; custody; restoration to owner; disposition of other property.
Section 780.656 Service of warrant; officer's authorization to use force.
Section 780.657 Executing search warrant; wilfully exceeding authority; penalty.
Section 780.658 Unlawful procurement of search warrant; penalty.
Section 780.659 Repeal.