MCL - Index of Act 39 of 1893

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 39 of 1893 KNIGHTS OF THE ANCIENT ESSENIC ORDER (457.621 - 457.629)
Section 457.621 Knights of Essenic Order; incorporation.
Section 457.622 Supreme senate; incorporators; articles of association, execution, contents.
Section 457.623 Supreme senate; filing articles of association, charter, and constitution with department of commerce; signers of articles, associates, and successors as body politic and corporate; powers and authority.
Section 457.624 Evidence of existence and incorporation.
Section 457.625 Subordinate senates; chartering; existing senates; regulation.
Section 457.626 Subordinate lodge; incorporation; making, executing, and filing articles of association; signers of articles, associates, and successors as body politic and corporate; powers.
Section 457.627 Erection of building; capital stock, creation, shares; cemetery.
Section 457.628 Encampments; incorporation, powers.
Section 457.629 Governing law; amendment of act.