MCL - Index of Chapter 115
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 4 of 1911 | LEGALIZATION OF SEWER BONDS (115.1 - 115.2) |
Section 115.1 | Sewer bonds of fourth class cities; legalization. |
Section 115.2 | Declaration of necessity. |
Act 324 of 1919 | VALIDATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (115.11 - 115.11) |
Section 115.11 | Special assessments of fourth class cities; validation. |
Act 391 of 1913 | REPRESENTATION ON BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (115.21 - 115.26) |
Section 115.21 | Representation on board of supervisors; cities not exceeding 350 inhabitants. |
Section 115.22 | Representation on board of supervisors; new census, petition; procedure. |
Section 115.23 | Enumerator; duties. |
Section 115.24 | Enumerator; compensation. |
Section 115.25 | Representation by mayor. |
Section 115.26 | Petition; no filing fee; validity; prosecutor, services without expense. |