MCL - Index of Chapter 419

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 119 of 1911 Repealed-OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES (419.1 - 419.3)
Act 104 of 1909 LIABILITY OF RAILROADS TO EMPLOYEES (419.51 - 419.57)
Section 419.51 Railroads; liability to employees or personal representative for negligence.
Section 419.52 Contributory negligence; degree, effect; assumption of risk.
Section 419.53 Railroad company; definition.
Section 419.54 Agreements not to bar action; provision, set off sum contribution.
Section 419.56 Construction of act as to duties and rights.
Section 419.57 Scope of act.
Act 329 of 1937 COMPENSATION OF INJURED PEACE OFFICERS (419.101 - 419.104)
Section 419.101 Peace officers; disability, total, partial; compensation, maximum; medical care.
Section 419.102 Peace officers; surviving spouse or dependents; compensation; last sickness and burial expenses.
Section 419.103 Payment; appropriated funds; review of claims.
Section 419.104 Persons included and excluded from act; “peace officer” defined.
Act 9 of 1942 (1st Ex. Sess.) COMPENSATION OF INJURED FIRE FIGHTERS (419.201 - 419.205)
Section 419.201 Application of act; jurisdiction of fire department in emergency; "fire department" defined.
Section 419.202 Firemen; disability incurred outside locality of jurisdiction; compensation, amount, time limitation.
Section 419.203 Death benefits equivalent to amount provided under worker's disability compensation act; compensation of dependents.
Section 419.204 Compensation payments from general fund; appropriation.
Section 419.205 Fire fighters and dependents to whom act applies; payment of difference under local benefit provisions; effect of contributions to benefit fund or protective association.
Act 19 of 1927 EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS (419.301 - 419.301)
Section 419.301 Minors between 16 and 18; legal employment; permit or certificate.
Act 238 of 2020 Repealed-COVID-19 EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS (419.401 - 419.413)