MCL - Index of Chapter 750

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 328 of 1931 THE MICHIGAN PENAL CODE (750.1 - 750.569)
***** 750.116.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 21, 2024 ***** ***** 750.116 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 21, 2024: See 750.116.amended *****
Section 750.1 Michigan penal code; short title.
Section 750.2 Rule of construction.
Section 750.3 Civil rights or remedies not affected.
Section 750.4 Civil remedies preserved.
328-1931-I CHAPTER I DEFINITIONS (750.5...750.10a)
Section 750.5 “Crime” defined.
Section 750.6 Division of crime.
Section 750.7 Felony; definition.
Section 750.8 Misdemeanor; definition.
Section 750.9 Misdemeanor; definition.
Section 750.10 Miscellaneous; definition.
Section 750.10a Sexually delinquent persons; definition.
328-1931-II CHAPTER II ABDUCTION (750.11...750.13)
Section 750.11, 750.12 Repealed. 2010, Act 102, Imd. Eff. June 25, 2010.
Section 750.13 Taking or enticing away minor under sixteen years; violation as felony; penalty.
328-1931-III CHAPTER III ABORTION (750.14...750.15)
Section 750.14 Repealed. 2023, Act 11, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024
Section 750.15 Repealed. 2023, Act 11, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024
Section 750.16 Adulteration; drugs or medicine injurious to health; violations; penalty; “serious impairment of a body function” defined; other violations committed.
Section 750.17 Repealed. 1968, Act 39, Eff. Jan. 1, 1969.
Section 750.18 Mixing drug or medicine; injuriously affecting quality or potency; violations; penalties; “serious impairment of body function” defined; other violations committed.
Section 750.19-750.24 Repealed. 1968, Act 39, Eff. Jan. 1, 1969.
Section 750.25 Adulteration of butter and cream.
Section 750.27 Adulterated cigarettes.
Section 750.28 Cereal beverage with alcoholic content; furnishing to minors, penalty.
328-1931-V CHAPTER V ADULTERY (750.29...750.32)
Section 750.29 Adultery; definition.
Section 750.30 Adultery; punishment.
Section 750.31 Adultery; complaint and time of prosecution.
Section 750.32 Adultery; cohabitation of divorced parties.
328-1931-VI CHAPTER VI ADVERTISING (750.33...750.42b)
Section 750.33 False advertising; penalty; excepted participants in publication.
Section 750.33a Character or extent of business misrepresentation; penalty.
Section 750.34 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.35 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.36 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.37 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.38 Personal violence or human form; displaying.
Section 750.39 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.40 Repealed. 2023, Act 12, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024.
Section 750.41 Repealed. 2002, Act 211, Imd. Eff. Apr. 29, 2002.
Section 750.42 Repealed. 2000, Act 238, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2000.
Section 750.42a Outdoor sign advertising smokeless tobacco product; warning statements; local ordinance, regulation, or other law.
Section 750.42b Selling or distributing tobacco products through U.S. mail service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier prohibited; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.43 Aircraft and aeronautics; definitions.
Section 750.43a Directed energy emitted from directed energy device; aiming at aircraft or path of aircraft or moving train prohibited; violation as felony; penalty; exceptions; "directed energy device" defined.
Section 750.44 Trick or acrobatic flying.
Section 750.45 Open air assemblies; operation of aircraft; altitude.
Section 750.45a Use of unmanned aircraft; definitions.
Section 750.46-750.48 Repealed. 1978, Act 571, Imd. Eff. Jan. 2, 1979.
328-1931-IX CHAPTER IX ANIMALS (750.49...750.70a)
Section 750.49 Animal; animal control agency; definition; fighting, baiting, or shooting; prohibited conduct; violation as felony; costs; dog trained or used for fighting or offspring of dog trained or used for fighting; prohibited conduct; exceptions; confiscation of dog; award of dog to animal control agency; notice required; holding period; security deposit or bond; euthanasia; expenses; forfeiture of animals, equipment, devices, and money; disposition of money seized; additional exceptions.
Section 750.50 Definitions; charge or custody of animal; breeder or owner of a pet shop; prohibited conduct; forfeiture of animal; violation as misdemeanor or felony; penalty; psychiatric or psychological counseling; other violation of law arising out of same transaction; consecutive terms; order to pay costs; order prohibiting owning or possessing animal for certain period of time; violation of subsection (9); revocation of probation; certain conduct not prohibited by section.
Section 750.50a Service animal; prohibited conduct by individual; violation as misdemeanor; rebuttable presumption that conduct initiated or continued maliciously; conviction or sentence under other applicable law; definitions.
Section 750.50b Animal and companion animal defined; prohibited acts; violation; penalty; consecutive terms; exceptions.
Section 750.50c Police dog or police horse; definitions; violation as felony or misdemeanor; penalty; other violations.
Section 750.51 Animals; confining on railroad cars.
Section 750.52 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.53 Arrest of persons; seizure of animals.
Section 750.54 Search warrants.
Section 750.55 Incorporated society; representative deputy sheriff.
Section 750.56 Definitions.
Section 750.57 Burial of dead animals.
Section 750.58 Horses; unhitching and driving away.
Section 750.59 Repealed. 2018, Act 286, Imd. Eff. June 29, 2018.
Section 750.60 Horses' tails; docking.
Section 750.61 Docked horses; registration, bringing into state.
Section 750.62 Docked horses; registration.
Section 750.63 Docked horses; unlawful docking, evidence.
Section 750.64 Docked horses; failure to register.
Section 750.65 Bull; at large on highway or unenclosed land.
Section 750.66 Person responsible for dog or wolf-dog cross that has bitten another person; information to be provided; violation as misdemeanor; exception; definitions.
Section 750.66a Dog or wolf-dog cross bite; responsible person to remain on scene; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; exception; definitions.
Section 750.67 Domestic animals or fowl on cemetery grounds, landing fields, airports.
Section 750.68 Brand of animals.
Section 750.69 Rescuing animals.
Section 750.70 Impounding animals unlawfully.
Section 750.70a Willful or malicious removal of collar or microchip from dog; intent to remove traceable evidence of ownership; violation as civil infraction; civil fine; liability under other law; "authorized agent" defined.
328-1931-X CHAPTER X ARSON AND BURNING (750.71...750.80)
Section 750.71 Definitions.
Section 750.72 First degree arson.
Section 750.73 Second degree arson.
Section 750.74 Third degree arson.
Section 750.75 Fourth degree arson.
Section 750.76 Arson of insured property.
Section 750.77 Fifth degree arson.
Section 750.78 Fire or explosive; prohibited acts; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.79 Using inflammable, combustible, or explosive material, liquid, or substance near building or personal property with intent to commit arson of any degree; aiding or abetting; total value of property; enhanced sentence; prior convictions.
Section 750.80 Repealed. 2014, Act 112, Eff. July 9, 2014.
328-1931-XI CHAPTER XI ASSAULTS (750.81...750.90h)
Section 750.81 Assault or assault and battery; penalties; previous convictions; exception; assault of health professional or medical volunteer; enhanced penalties; definitions.
Section 750.81a Assault; infliction of serious or aggravated injury; penalties; previous convictions; assault of health professional or medical volunteer; enhanced penalties; definitions.
Section 750.81b Enhanced sentence; provisions.
Section 750.81c Threats or assault against employee of family independence agency; violation; penalty; other conviction; “serious impairment of body function” defined.
Section 750.81d Assaulting, battering, resisting, obstructing, opposing person performing duty; felony; penalty; other violations; consecutive terms; definitions.
Section 750.81e Assault or battery of employee or contractor of public utility; violation as misdemeanor or felony; penalty; other violations; definitions.
Section 750.82 Felonious assault; violation of subsection (1) in weapon free school zone; assault of health professional or medical volunteer; enhanced penalties; definitions.
Section 750.83 Assault with intent to commit murder.
Section 750.84 Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder; assault by strangulation or suffocation; "strangulation or suffocation" defined; other violation out of same conduct.
Section 750.85 Torture; felony; penalty; definitions; element of crime; other laws.
Section 750.86 Assault with intent to maim.
Section 750.87 Assault with intent to commit felony not otherwise punished.
Section 750.88 Assault with intent to rob and steal; unarmed.
Section 750.89 Assault with intent to rob and steal; armed.
Section 750.90 Sexual contact or penetration under pretext of medical treatment; definitions.
Section 750.90a Conduct proscribed under MCL 750.81 to 750.89 as felony; intent.
Section 750.90b Conduct proscribed under MCL 750.81 to 750.89 as crime; intent.
Section 750.90c Gross negligence against pregnant individual as crime.
Section 750.90d Conduct proscribed under MCL 257.625(1) or (3) involving accident with pregnant individual as felony; penalties.
Section 750.90e Conduct as proximate cause of accident involving pregnant individual as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.90f Applicability of MCL 750.90a to 750.90e; “physician or other licensed medical professional” defined.
Section 750.90g “Infant protection act” as short title of section; legislative findings; prohibited acts; violation as felony; penalty; exceptions; definitions.
Section 750.90h Repealed. 2023, Act 286, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024.
328-1931-XII CHAPTER XII ATTEMPTS (750.91...750.92)
Section 750.91 Attempt to murder.
Section 750.92 Attempt to commit crime.
Section 750.93 Bank bonds in state treasury, removing or destroying.
Section 750.94 Bank bills or notes; issuing, non-compliance with requirements.
Section 750.95 Spurious bank notes; issuing or circulating.
Section 750.95a Person printing checks for financial institution; printing on checks month and year account opened; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; civil liability; authorization to furnish information; definitions.
Section 750.96 Bank property; fraudulent disposal.
Section 750.97 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.98 Private banks.
Section 750.99 Certifying checks; insufficient funds.
Section 750.100 Bank insolvency; receiving deposits.
Section 750.101 Financial institutions act; violation.
328-1931-XIV CHAPTER XIV BLASPHEMY (750.102...750.103)
Section 750.102 Blasphemy; punishment.
Section 750.103 Cursing and swearing.
328-1931-XV CHAPTER XV BOATS AND NAVIGATION (750.104...750.109a)
Section 750.104 Fitting out vessel with intent to destroy.
Section 750.105 False invoice of cargo.
Section 750.106 Repealed. 2018, Act 283, Eff. Sept. 27, 2018.
Section 750.107 Moored boat; breaking of lock or chain.
Section 750.108 Moored boat; removing.
Section 750.109 Mooring vessel to buoy or beacon.
Section 750.109a Unauthorized possession; penalty.
328-1931-XVI CHAPTER XVI BREAKING AND ENTERING (750.110...750.116.amended)
Section 750.110 Breaking and entering; "shipping container" defined.
Section 750.110a Definitions; home invasion; first degree; second degree; third degree; penalties.
Section 750.110b Dumping of garbage, oil, or rubbish from boats; penalty.
Section 750.111 Entering without breaking.
Section 750.112 Burglary with explosives.
Section 750.113 Coin or depository box; opening or attempt to open.
Section 750.114 Breaking and entering; outside showcase or counter.
Section 750.115 Breaking and entering or entering without breaking; buildings, tents, boats, railroad cars; entering public buildings when expressly denied.
Section 750.116 Burglar's tools; possession.
Section 750.116.amended Use or possession of certain tools; intent to steal property or a motor vehicle; other violations; definitions.
Section 750.117 Public officer; bribery.
Section 750.118 Public officer; accepting bribe.
Section 750.119 Corruption of appraiser, receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, commissioner, auditor, juror, arbitrator, or referee by giving, offering, or promising gift or gratuity regarding pending matter; intent; penalties.
Section 750.120 Jurors, appraisers, etc.; accepting bribe.
Section 750.120a Willfully attempting to influence juror by intimidation or other improper means; retaliating against person for having performed duties as juror; penalties.
Section 750.120b Jury deliberations; recording or attempting to record; penalty.
Section 750.121 Public institutions; bribery of officers.
Section 750.122 Prohibited acts; witnesses; threat or intimidation; affirmative defense; violation as felony; penalties; applicability of section; definitions.
Section 750.123 Officer omitting duty for reward.
Section 750.124 Bribery of athlete.
Section 750.125 Giving, offering, or promising commission, gift, or gratuity to agent, employee, or other person with intent to influence action of agent or employee; requesting or accepting commission, gift, or gratuity; using or giving document containing materially false, erroneous, or defective statement; evidence; use of truthful testimony, evidence, or other information against witness in criminal case; violation as misdemeanor.
328-1931-XVIII CHAPTER XVIII BUCKET SHOPS (750.126...750.130)
Section 750.126 Intent of chapter.
Section 750.127 Bucket shop; definition.
Section 750.128 Maintenance of bucket shop; punishment.
Section 750.129 Accessories.
Section 750.130 Commission merchant; furnishing written statement upon demand.
Section 750.131 Check, draft, or order for payment of money; making, drawing, uttering, or delivering without sufficient funds with intent to defraud; violation; penalties; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.131a Check, draft, or order for payment of money; making, drawing, uttering, or delivering without account, credit, or sufficient funds with intent to defraud; violation as felony; penalties.
Section 750.132 Evidence of intent.
Section 750.133 Evidence of intent; notice of protest.
Section 750.134 Checks without sufficient funds; credit construed.
328-1931-XX CHAPTER XX CHILDREN (750.135...750.145h)
Section 750.135 Children; exposing with intent to injure or abandon; surrender of child to emergency service provider; applicability of subsection (1); definitions.
Section 750.135a Leaving child unattended in vehicle; prohibition; violation; definitions.
Section 750.136 Labia majora or labia minor or clitoris; surgical procedure prohibited; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty; violation of law arising from same transaction.
Section 750.136a Transporting person for conduct violating MCL 750.136; felony; penalty; violation arising out of same transaction.
Section 750.136b Definitions; child abuse; degrees; penalties; exception; affirmative defense; enhanced sentence; "prior conviction" defined.
Section 750.136c Transfer or acquisition of legal or physical custody of individual; prohibited conduct; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 750.136d Violation of MCL 750.136b in presence of child other than victim; penalty; laws arising out of same transaction.
Section 750.137 Purchases from minors.
Section 750.138 Children; legal custody; interference.
Section 750.139 Child under 18 years of age; confinement; commitment or trial; presence at trial of adults; transportation with adults charged with or convicted of crime; exception; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 750.140 Children; exhibition; employ; apprentice.
Section 750.141 Presence of minor under 17 in places where liquor is sold, given away, or furnished; attendance of minors at dances.
Section 750.141a Definitions; prohibited conduct by person having control of real property; applicability of section; violation of subsection (2) as misdemeanor; penalty; evidence of rebuttable presumption; selling or furnishing alcoholic beverage to minor not authorized by act; criminal penalty.
Section 750.141b Repealed. 1963, Act 162, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963.
Section 750.141c, 750.141d Repealed. 1978, Act 531, Eff. Dec. 23, 1978.
Section 750.142 Furnishing obscene publications or criminal news to minors.
Section 750.143 Children; exhibition of obscene matter.
Section 750.143a Information about rating system; posting sign by video game retailer required; violation; fine; definitions.
Section 750.144 Minor; boarding houses, licensing.
328-1931-XXA CHAPTER XXA VULNERABLE ADULTS (750.145m...750.145r)
Section 750.145 Minor; contributing to neglect or delinquency.
Section 750.145a Accosting, enticing or soliciting child for immoral purpose.
Section 750.145b Accosting, enticing or soliciting child for immoral purpose; prior conviction; penalty.
Section 750.145c Definitions; child sexually abusive activity or material; penalties; possession of child sexually abusive material; expert testimony; defenses; acts of commercial film or photographic print processor; report to law enforcement agency by computer technician; reasonable availability of evidence to defendant; applicability and uniformity of section; enactment or enforcement of ordinance, rule, or regulation prohibited.
Section 750.145d Use of internet or computer system; prohibited conduct; violation; penalty; jurisdiction; order to reimburse state or local governmental unit; definitions.
Section 750.145e Dissemination of sexually explicit visual material of another person; prohibition; exceptions; other violations of law; violation; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.145f Violation of MCL 750.145e; penalty.
Section 750.145g Child sexually abusive activity or material; second or subsequent offense; mandatory minimum.
Section 750.145h Vulnerable adult; sexually explicit visual material; violation; penalties; enhanced sentence; definitions.
Section 750.145m Definitions.
Section 750.145n Vulnerable adult abuse; first degree; second degree; third degree; fourth degree; authority to prevent vulnerable adult from being harmed or harming others not prohibited; applicability of section to act carried out by patient advocate.
Section 750.145o Violation of act by operator or employee of unlicensed facility; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 750.145p Caregiver, other person with authority over vulnerable adult, or licensee; certain conduct as misdemeanor; penalty; certain disciplinary action not precluded by subsection (3); certain conduct as felony; penalty.
Section 750.145q Violation of other applicable laws.
Section 750.145r Sentence to perform community service.
328-1931-XXI CHAPTER XXI CIVIL RIGHTS (750.146...750.148)
Section 750.146 Right to equal public accommodations; separation of facilities according to sex.
Section 750.147 Denial of equal public accommodations.
Section 750.147a Discrimination in extending credit, granting loan, or rating person's creditworthiness; violation; penalty; civil liability.
Section 750.147b Ethnic intimidation.
Section 750.147c Institutional desecration; violation; felony; penalties; enhanced or alternative sentence; civil action; definitions.
Section 750.148 Civil rights; race or color not to disqualify for jury service.
Section 750.149 Compounding or concealing offense; penalty.
Section 750.150 Issue; concealment of death by mother.
328-1931-XXIV CHAPTER XXIV CONSPIRACY (750.151...750.157c)
Section 750.151 Contracts; conspiracy; penalty.
Section 750.152 Illegal contracts.
Section 750.153 Illegal contracts; carrying into effect.
Section 750.154 Violation by corporation forfeits charter.
Section 750.155 Violation by corporation forfeits charter; quo warranto.
Section 750.156 Chapter inapplicable to agricultural products or livestock under certain conditions; chapter inapplicable to conspiracy committed under chapter LXVIIA.
328-1931-XXIVA CHAPTER XXIVA CREDIT CARDS (750.157m...750.157w)
Section 750.157 Providing incriminating testimony or evidence; use of truthful testimony, evidence, or other information against witness in criminal case.
Section 750.157a Conspiracy to commit offense or legal act in illegal manner; penalty.
Section 750.157b Solicitation to commit murder or felony; penalty; affirmative defense.
Section 750.157c Recruiting, inducing, soliciting, or coercing minor to commit felony.
Section 750.157m Definitions.
Section 750.157n Stealing, taking, or removing financial transaction device; possession of fraudulent or altered financial transaction device.
Section 750.157p Possession or control of another's financial transaction device with intent to use, deliver, circulate, or sell.
Section 750.157q Delivery, circulation, or sale of financial transaction device obtained or held under proscribed circumstances.
Section 750.157r Forgery, alteration, simulation, or counterfeiting of financial transaction device.
Section 750.157s Use of revoked or cancelled financial transaction device with intent to defraud.
Section 750.157t Sales to or services performed for violators.
Section 750.157u Causing deviceholder to be charged or overcharged.
Section 750.157v False statement of identity for purpose of procuring issuance of financial transaction device.
Section 750.157w Fraudulent use of financial transaction device to withdraw or transfer funds in violation of contractual limitations.
Section 750.158 Crime against nature or sodomy; penalty.
328-1931-XXVA CHAPTER XXVA CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES (750.159f...750.159x)
Section 750.159 Emission need not be proved.
Section 750.159f Definitions generally.
Section 750.159g "Racketeering" defined.
Section 750.159h “Records” or “documenting materials” and “substituted proceeds” defined.
Section 750.159i Prohibited conduct.
Section 750.159j Violation as felony; penalties; imposition of costs; order to criminally forfeit property; additional authority of court; conditions for entering order of criminal forfeiture; attorney fees; determination of extent of property; property not reachable; retention of property by law enforcement agency; disposition of money seized; seizure; other criminal or civil remedies not precluded.
Section 750.159k Order of criminal forfeiture; notice; hearing to determine validity of claim of property interest; petition; consolidation of hearings; testimony and evidence; amendment of order.
Section 750.159<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Jurisdiction of court; notification of persons with property interest.
Section 750.159m Property subject to civil in rem forfeiture; exceptions; encumbrances; attorney fees.
Section 750.159n Seizure of property subject to civil in rem forfeiture; petition; filing; personal or intangible property; determination by court; seizure without process; circumstances; lien notice against real property; notice and hearing required; return of property to crime victim; exceptions; custody of property by seizing agency.
Section 750.159o Notice requirements.
Section 750.159p Verified claim stating interest in property or proceeds.
Section 750.159q Burden of proof; evidence; return or disposal of property; notice; estoppel from denial of allegations in civil trial; admissibility of testimony.
Section 750.159r Sale of seized property by unit of government; disposal of received money; order of priority; appointment, compensation, and duties of receiver.
Section 750.159s Commencement of action.
Section 750.159t Seizure of constitutionally protected materials.
Section 750.159u Civil cause of action not created by chapter.
Section 750.159v Forfeiture proceeding under other law not precluded.
Section 750.159w Activities unrelated to prohibited activities of enterprise.
Section 750.159x Notice of proposed investigation to attorney general.
328-1931-XXVI CHAPTER XXVI DEAD HUMAN BODIES (750.160...750.160d.added)
Section 750.160 Disinterment, mutilation, defacement, or carrying away of human body; exception.
Section 750.160a Photograph of decedent located in human grave prohibited; exceptions; definitions.
Section 750.160b Violation of MCL 750.160a as felony; penalty.
Section 750.160c Prohibited acts; violation; exceptions; “final disposition of a dead body” defined.
Section 750.160d.added Sexual contact with dead human body; misdemeanor; sexual penetration with dead human body; felony; definitions.
Section 750.161 Desertion, abandonment, or refusal or neglect to provide shelter, food, care, and clothing; felony; penalty; bond; probation; failure to comply with conditions in bond; forfeiture of bond; disposition of sums received; continuing offense; proof.
Section 750.161a Failure or refusal to pay child support; amnesty.
Section 750.162 Payments for care and support of wife or children; sworn statement.
Section 750.163 Complaints.
Section 750.164 Desertion following marriage to escape prosecution.
Section 750.165 Failure to support spouse or child as required by court order; violation as felony; penalty; applicability; cash bond; suspension of sentence; bond; order of restitution; "state disbursement unit" or "SDU" defined.
Section 750.166 Wife may testify against husband.
Section 750.167 Disorderly person; subsequent violations by person convicted of refusing or neglecting to support family; breastfeeding or expressing breast milk exempt.
Section 750.167a Person hunting with firearms while drunk or intoxicated; confiscation and disposition of weapons; application for or possession of hunting license for period of 3 years prohibited.
Section 750.167b Bondsman in criminal cases; procurement of attorney; maximum charge for bond; dismissal of charge; list of bondsmen; posting; compilation; record; violation; penalty.
Section 750.167c Report of conviction for hunting while intoxicated; circulating list of convictions; violation by licensing agent.
Section 750.167d Funeral, memorial service, or viewing; funeral procession; burial; prohibited conduct; violation; penalty.
Section 750.168 Disorderly person; penalty.
328-1931-XXIX CHAPTER XXIX DISTURBING MEETINGS (750.169...750.170)
Section 750.169 Disruption of religious meeting; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.170 Disturbance of lawful meetings.
328-1931-XXX CHAPTER XXX DUELLING (750.171...750.173a)
Section 750.171 Repealed. 2010, Act 96, Imd. Eff. June 22, 2010.
Section 750.172 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.173 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.173a Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
328-1931-XXXI CHAPTER XXXI EMBEZZLEMENT (750.174...750.182a)
Section 750.174 Embezzlement by agent, servant, or employee, or trustee, bailee, or custodian; penalty; prima facie proof of intent; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions; consecutive sentence; conditions; definitions.
Section 750.174a Vulnerable adult; prohibited conduct; violation; penalty; enhanced sentence; exceptions; consecutive sentence; definitions; report by office of services to the aging to department of human services.
Section 750.175 Embezzlement by public officer, agent or servant; penalty.
Section 750.176 Embezzlement by administrator, executor or guardian; penalty.
Section 750.177 Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor, vendee or lessee; penalty; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.178 Embezzlement of chattel mortgage, lease, or contract property by others; violation; penalty; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.179 Repealed. 2002, Act 294, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.180 Embezzlement in bank, deposit, trust company, or credit union; penalty.
Section 750.181 Embezzlement of property belonging to person and part owner; violation; penalty; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.182 Embezzlement by warehouseman or forwarder of property receipted for.
Section 750.182a Falsification of school records; penalty; suspension of teacher's certificate.
Section 750.183 Facilitating escape of or assisting prisoners; penalty.
Section 750.184 Aiding escape from officer; penalty.
Section 750.185 Repealed. 2018, Act 140, Eff. Aug. 8, 2018.
Section 750.186 Boys' vocational school; assisting or enticing to escape; aiding ward to leave state; penalty.
Section 750.186a Escape from juvenile facility; violation as felony; penalty; “escape” and “juvenile facility” defined.
Section 750.187 Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Section 750.188 Voluntarily suffering prisoner to escape.
Section 750.189 Negligently suffering escape; refusing to receive prisoner.
Section 750.190 Receiving reward for assisting an escape.
Section 750.191 Refusing, omitting, and delaying to serve process.
Section 750.192 Prisoners of Wisconsin being transported.
Section 750.193 Breaking prison, escaping, attempting to break prison, or attempting to escape as felony; penalty; place of trial; “prison” defined; escaping from lawful custody outside confines of prison; escape from mental health facility; violation by person released under work pass program; person violating parole not escapee.
Section 750.194 Repealed. 1985, Act 52, Imd. Eff. June 14, 1985.
Section 750.195 Breaking, escaping, or leaving jail as felony; penalty; section inapplicable to person leaving jail pursuant to day parole; “jail” defined.
Section 750.196 Breaking prison; county work farm, factory or shop.
Section 750.197 Breaking, escaping, or leaving jail or place of confinement; breaking or escaping while in or being transferred to or from courtroom or court house; felony; penalty; section inapplicable to person leaving jail pursuant to day parole; “jail” defined.
Section 750.197a Breaking or escaping from lawful custody under criminal process.
Section 750.197b Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Section 750.197c Breaking or escaping jail, health care facility, or other place of confinement; violation as felony; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.197d Selling, giving, or furnishing poison, a controlled substance, or weapon to a medically frail parolee or assisting a medically frail parolee in parole violation as a misdemeanor; inapplicable to certain skilled nursing staff or in certain emergency situations; definitions.
Section 750.198 Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Section 750.199 Concealing or harboring person who has escaped; violation; penalties; "peace officer" defined.
Section 750.199a Absconding or forfeiting bond in criminal or paternity proceedings; felony.
Section 750.200 Explosives; common carriers for passengers; transportation.
Section 750.200h Definitions.
Section 750.200i Unlawful acts; penalties.
Section 750.200j Additional unlawful acts; penalties.
Section 750.200k Applicability of MCL 750.200h to 750.200j; exceptions.
Section 750.200<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Acts causing false belief of exposure; violation; penalty.
Section 750.200m Other violations arising from same transaction.
Section 750.201 Explosives exploded by concussion or friction; unlawful acts; penalties.
Section 750.202 Explosives; marking when intended for shipment.
Section 750.203 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.204 Explosives; sending with intent to frighten, injure, or kill person or damage or destroy property; violation; penalties.
Section 750.204a Device representing or presented as explosive, incendiary device, or bomb; sending or transporting; intent; felony; penalty; jurisdiction.
Section 750.204b Importing, manufacturing, distributing, or storing explosive materials; prohibition; exception; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; violation of other applicable law; "explosive materials" defined.
Section 750.204c Handling explosive materials while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance; prohibition; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.205-750.206 Repealed. 1998, Act 208, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998.
Section 750.207 Explosive substance; placing with intent to frighten, injure, or kill person or damage or destroy property; violation; penalties.
Section 750.208 Repealed. 1998, Act 208, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998.
Section 750.209 Offensive or injurious substance or compound; placing with intent to injure, coerce, or interfere with person or property; violation; penalties.
Section 750.209a Possession of explosive substance or device in public place.
Section 750.210 Substance that when combined will become explosive or combustible; possession with intent to use unlawfully; violation; penalties.
Section 750.210a Valerium; unlawful acts.
Section 750.211 Repealed. 1998, Act 208, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998.
Section 750.211a Device designed to explode upon impact, upon application of heat, or device highly incendiary; possession with intent to use unlawfully; violation; penalties; "Molotov cocktail" defined.
Section 750.212 High explosives; marking.
Section 750.212a Violation as felony; term of imprisonment; definitions.
328-1931-XXXIV CHAPTER XXXIV EXTORTION (750.213...750.214)
Section 750.213 Malicious threats to extort money.
Section 750.213a Coercion to have abortion; prohibition; violation; penalty; other violations; definitions.
Section 750.214 Extortion by public officers.
328-1931-XXXV CHAPTER XXXV FALSE PERSONATION (750.215...750.217h)
Section 750.215 False representation as peace officer or medical examiner; violation; penalty; “peace officer” defined.
Section 750.216 Badge or uniform of state police; unauthorized wearing, exhibition, display, or use as misdemeanor; exception.
Section 750.216a Badge, patch, or uniform of law enforcement agency or facsimile; selling, furnishing, possessing, wearing, exhibiting, displaying, or using; violation as misdemeanor; "facsimile" defined; exception.
Section 750.216b Emblem, insignia, logo, service mark, or other identification of law enforcement agency or facsimile; violation as misdemeanor; "law enforcement identification" defined; exception.
Section 750.217 Disguising with intent to intimidate.
Section 750.217a Solicitation of information as to employment, residence, assets or earnings by false personation; penalty.
Section 750.217b Representation as public utility employee; felony; “public utility” defined.
Section 750.217c Legal process; impersonation, false representation, or action as public officer or employee; definitions.
Section 750.217d False representation as registered or licensed health professional; intent; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 750.217e False identification as employee of family independence agency; violation; penalty.
Section 750.217f Unlawful representation as firefighter or emergency medical service personnel; definitions; violation as felony; penalty; consecutive sentences.
Section 750.217g Badge, patch, or uniform of fire department, life support agency, or medical first response service; selling, furnishing, possessing, wearing, exhibiting, or displaying prohibited; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.217h Emblem, insignia, logo, service mark, or other identification; wearing or displaying prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.218 False pretenses with intent to defraud; violation; penalty; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions; “false pretense” defined.
Section 750.219 Financial condition; false statements.
Section 750.219a Obtaining telecommunications services with intent to avoid charge; violation; separate incidents pursuant to scheme or course of conduct; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions; definitions.
Section 750.219b Repealed. 1967, Act 255, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.
Section 750.219c Repealed. 1996, Act 330, Eff. Apr. 1, 1997.
Section 750.219d Residential mortgage fraud; prohibited conduct; venue; violation as felony; penalty; separate offenses; affirmative defense; property subject to forfeiture; order; definitions.
Section 750.219e Prohibited conduct; violation as felony; penalty; exception; “financial institution” defined.
Section 750.219f Forwarding loan or accessing loan proceeds in violation of chapter; violation as felony; penalty; exception; “financial institution” defined.
Section 750.220 Property valuation or indebtedness; false statements.
Section 750.221 False representation as blind, deafblind, hard of hearing, or person with disability; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
328-1931-XXXVII CHAPTER XXXVII FIREARMS (750.222...750.239a)
Section 750.222 Definitions.
Section 750.222a “Double-edged, nonfolding stabbing instrument” defined.
Section 750.223 Selling firearms and ammunition; violations; penalties.
Section 750.224 Weapons; manufacture, sale, or possession as felony; violation as felony; penalty; exceptions; "muffler" or "silencer" defined.
Section 750.224a Portable device or weapon directing electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam; sale or possession prohibited; exceptions; use of electro-muscular disruption technology; violation; penalty; verification of identity and possession of license; prohibited use; definitions.
Section 750.224b Short-barreled shotgun or rifle; making, manufacturing, transferring, or possessing as felony; penalty; exceptions; short-barreled shotgun or rifle 26 inches or less; short-barreled shotgun or rifle greater than 26 inches; violation of subsection (5) as civil infraction; seizure and forfeiture; applicability of MCL 776.20 to subsection (3).
Section 750.224c Armor piercing ammunition; manufacture, distribution, sale, or use prohibited; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty; definitions; exemption of projectile or projectile core; rule.
Section 750.224d Self-defense spray or foam device.
Section 750.224e Conversion of semiautomatic firearm to fully automatic firearm; prohibited acts; penalty; applicability; “fully automatic firearm”, “licensed collector”, and “semiautomatic firearm” defined.
Section 750.224f Possession of firearm or distribution of ammunition by person convicted of felony; circumstances; penalty; applicability of section to expunged or set aside conviction; definitions.
Section 750.225 Repealed. 1993, Act 254, Imd. Eff. Nov. 29, 1993.
Section 750.226 Firearm or dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument; carrying with unlawful intent; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 750.226a Repealed. 2017, Act 96, Eff. Oct. 11, 2017.
Section 750.227 Concealed weapons; carrying; penalty.
Section 750.227a Pistols; unlawful possession by licensee.
Section 750.227b Carrying or possessing firearm when committing or attempting to commit felony; carrying or possessing pneumatic gun; exception; “law enforcement officer” defined.
Section 750.227c Transporting or possessing loaded firearm in or upon vehicle propelled by mechanical means; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.227d Transporting or possessing firearm in or upon motor vehicle or self-propelled vehicle designed for land travel; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.227f Committing or attempting to commit crime involving violent act or threat of violent act against another person while wearing body armor as felony; penalty; consecutive term of imprisonment; exception; definitions.
Section 750.227g Body armor; purchase, ownership, possession, or use by convicted felon; prohibition; issuance of written permission; violation as felony; definitions.
Section 750.228 Ownership of pistol greater than 26 inches in length; conditions; election to have firearm not considered as pistol.
Section 750.229 Pistols accepted in pawn, by second-hand dealer or junk dealer.
Section 750.230 Firearms; altering, removing, or obliterating marks of identity; presumption.
Section 750.231 MCL 750.224, 750.224a, 750.224b, 750.224d, 750.227, 750.227c, and 750.227d inapplicable to certain persons and organizations.
Section 750.231a Exceptions to MCL 750.227(2); "antique firearm" defined.
Section 750.231b Sale and safety inspection; persons exempt.
Section 750.231c “Aircraft,” “approved signaling device,” and “vessel” defined; sections inapplicable to approved signaling device; sale, purchase, possession, or use of approved signaling device; violation as misdemeanor; penalties.
Section 750.232 Repealed. 2017, Act 95, Eff. Oct. 11, 2017.
Section 750.232a Obtaining firearm in violation of MCL 28.422; intentionally making material false statement on application for license to purchase firearm; using or attempting to use false identification or identification of another person to purchase firearm; penalties.
Section 750.233 Pointing or aiming firearm at another person; misdemeanor; penalty; exception; "peace officer defined."
Section 750.234 Firearm; discharge; intentionally aimed without malice; misdemeanor; penalty; exception; "peace officer" defined.
Section 750.234a Intentionally discharging firearm from motor vehicle, snowmobile, or off-road vehicle as crime; penalty; exceptions; other violation; consecutive terms; self-defense; "peace officer" defined.
Section 750.234b Intentionally discharging firearm at dwelling or potentially occupied structure as felony; penalty; exceptions; other violation; consecutive terms; definitions.
Section 750.234c Intentionally discharging firearm at emergency or law enforcement vehicle as felony; penalty; “emergency or law enforcement vehicle” defined.
Section 750.234d Possession of firearm on certain premises prohibited; applicability; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.234e Brandishing firearm in public; applicability; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.234f Possession of firearm by person less than 18 years of age; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.235 Maiming or injuring person by discharging firearm; intentionally aimed without malice; exception; "peace officer" defined.
Section 750.235a Parent of minor guilty of misdemeanor; conditions; penalty; defense; definitions.
Section 750.235b Threatening to commit violence with firearm, explosive, or other dangerous weapon against students or employees on school property; specific intent or overt act; violation arising out of same transaction; definitions.
Section 750.236 Spring gun, trap or device; setting.
Section 750.236a Computer-assisted shooting; prohibited acts; definitions.
Section 750.236b Computer-assisted shooting; prohibited conduct; definitions.
Section 750.236c Violation of MCL 750.236a or 750.236b; penalty; forfeiture.
Section 750.237 Liquor or controlled substance; possession or use of firearm by person under influence; violation; penalty; chemical analysis.
Section 750.237a Individual engaging in proscribed conduct in weapon free school zone; violation; penalties; definitions.
Section 750.238 Search warrant.
Section 750.239 Forfeiture of weapons; disposal; immunity from civil liability.
Section 750.239a Disposition of seized weapon; immunity from civil liability; "law enforcement agency" defined.
328-1931-XXXVIII CHAPTER XXXVIII FIRES (750.240...750.242)
Section 750.240 False alarm of fire.
Section 750.241 Firefighter; obstructing and disobeying; interfering with public service facility during riot or civil disturbance.
Section 750.242 Traction engines using wood fuel; spark arresters.
328-1931-XXXIX CHAPTER XXXIX FIREWORKS (750.243...750.243e)
Section 750.243 Repealed. 1968, Act 358, Eff. Jan. 1, 1969.
Section 750.243a-750.243e Repealed. 2011, Act 256, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012.
328-1931-XL CHAPTER XL FLAG AND COAT-OF-ARMS (750.244...750.247)
Section 750.244 Flag and coat-of-arms; definitions.
Section 750.245 Exhibition and display.
Section 750.246 Mutilation.
Section 750.247 Exceptions to chapter.
Section 750.248 Making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting public record; intent; felony; penalty; exception; venue; "distributed ledger technology" defined.
Section 750.248a Uttering and publishing false, forged, altered, or counterfeit financial transaction device.
Section 750.248b Making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting document affecting interest in real property; intent; felony; penalty; exception; venue; court order.
Section 750.249 Forgery of records and other instruments; uttering and publishing; exception.
Section 750.249a Use or employment of tool or instrument to make counterfeit financial transaction device.
Section 750.249b Uttering or publishing as true document listed in MCL 750.248b; intent; felony; penalty; exception; court order.
Section 750.250 Forgery of notes issued for debt of state or political subdivisions.
Section 750.251 Forgery of bank bills and promissory notes.
Section 750.252 Possession of counterfeit notes with intent to utter same as true.
Section 750.253 Uttering counterfeit notes as true.
Section 750.254 Possession of counterfeit bank, state or municipal bills or notes.
Section 750.255 Tools and implements for counterfeiting bills or notes.
Section 750.256 Testimony of president and cashier of bank.
Section 750.257 Sworn certificate; evidence.
Section 750.258 Connecting parts of instruments.
Section 750.259 Affixing fictitious signature.
Section 750.260 Coins; counterfeiting and possession.
Section 750.261 Coins; counterfeiting; possession of less than 5 counterfeit.
Section 750.262 Counterfeiting; tools.
Section 750.263 Counterfeit marks.
Section 750.264 Possession of counterfeit mark, die, plate, engraving, template, pattern, or material; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.265 Repealed. 1997, Act 155, Eff. Mar. 31, 1998.
Section 750.265a Union label; counterfeiting, imitation, unauthorized use.
Section 750.266 Repealed. 2002, Act 296, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
328-1931-XLII CHAPTER XLII FORTUNE TELLING (750.267...750.270)
Section 750.267-750.270 Repealed. 1993, Act 282, Eff. Apr. 1, 1994.
328-1931-XLIII CHAPTER XLIII FRAUDS AND CHEATS (750.271...750.300a)
Section 750.271 Domestic corporations; securities, fraudulent issue and sale.
Section 750.272 Foreign corporations; stock, fraudulently issued, sale.
Section 750.273 Fraudulently obtaining signature; penalty.
Section 750.274 Note; fraudulent signature; knowingly purchasing, collection.
Section 750.275 Warranty deed or similar words; use.
Section 750.276 Promise to vendee of grain to sell at fictitious price; signature to note.
Section 750.277 Promise to vendee of grain to sell at fictitious price; sale and transfer.
Section 750.278 Fraudulent warehouse receipts; executing and delivering.
Section 750.279 Personal property; fraudulent disposition.
Section 750.280 Gross frauds and cheats at common law.
Section 750.281 Repealed. 1996, Act 212, Imd. Eff. May 28, 1996.
Section 750.282 Offenses against water, steam, electric, or gas companies, or propane gas dealers or distributors, and boards or municipalities owning or operating plants; misdemeanor; felony; civil action not impaired by criminal prosecution; presumption; prima facie evidence of violation.
Section 750.282a Sale or transfer of electric or natural gas product or service illegally obtained; violation as felony; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.283 Fruits and vegetables sold in closed package; fraud prevention.
Section 750.284 Genuine article; selling goods other than; marking.
Section 750.285 Repealed. 2004, Act 452, Eff. Mar. 1, 2005.
Section 750.286 Repealed. 1964, Act 256, Eff. Aug. 28, 1964.
Section 750.287 Sterling or sterling silver marked articles; fraud in sale.
Section 750.288 Coin or coin silver; fraud in sale of articles marked.
Section 750.289 Common carrier; false billing of goods.
Section 750.290 Imitation leather; boots and shoes.
Section 750.291 Boarding house keepers; defrauding.
Section 750.292 Hotel, motel, inn, restaurant, cafe; defrauding; limitation on proceedings.
Section 750.293 Hotel, motel, inn, restaurant, cafe; prima facie evidence.
Section 750.294 Animals; fraudulent registration as pure-bred.
Section 750.295 Milk and butter fat production; fraudulent practices.
Section 750.296 Repealed. 1984, Act 262, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 1984.
Section 750.297-750.297d Repealed. 1966, Act 78, Imd. Eff. June 10, 1966.
Section 750.297e Kosher food products; definition; sale; false representation; prohibited acts; evidence of fraud; inspection and supervision of sale of meat; rules; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 750.297f “Halal” defined; prohibited acts; violation as misdemeanor; presumption; additional prohibited acts; investigation and inspection by department of agriculture; rules.
Section 750.298 Medicine; practicing under false or assumed name.
Section 750.298a Representation of service as under supervision of physician; product or appliance approved by medical profession.
Section 750.299 Agricultural seeds; false statement.
Section 750.300 Insurance company; killing or injuring animals to defraud.
Section 750.300a Food stamps or coupons; conduct as crime; course of conduct as one offense; determination of degree; definitions.
328-1931-XLIV CHAPTER XLIV GAMBLING (750.301...750.315a)
Section 750.301 Accepting money or valuable thing contingent on uncertain event.
Section 750.302 Keeping or occupying common gambling house or building or place where gaming permitted; apparatus used for gaming or gambling; manufacture or possession of gaming or gambling apparatus for sale.
Section 750.303 Keeping or maintaining gaming room, gaming table, or game of skill or chance for hire, gain, or reward; accessory; applicability of subsection (1) to mechanical amusement device, slot machine, or crane game; “slot machine” and “crane game” defined; notice.
Section 750.303a Applicability of chapter; recreational card playing conducted at senior citizen housing facility.
Section 750.304 Selling pools and registering bets.
Section 750.305 Publication or distribution of betting odds; penalty.
Section 750.305a Racing results; unlawful use of teletype ticker, exceptions; prima facie evidence; penalties.
Section 750.306 Pool tickets; declaration as nuisance.
Section 750.307 Gambling; prima facie evidence.
Section 750.308 Gaming house; search warrant; seizure of apparatus and material; arrest.
Section 750.308a Disposition of articles or property seized.
Section 750.309 Frequenting or attending gaming places.
Section 750.310 Exceptions.
Section 750.310a Applicability of chapter; bowling game or bowling card game.
Section 750.310b Applicability of chapter; redemption game.
Section 750.310c Applicability of chapter; social media internet game; definition.
Section 750.310d Inapplicability of chapter; gambling under lawful internet gaming act.
Section 750.310e Inapplicability of chapter; sports betting under lawful sports betting act.
Section 750.311 Gambling in stocks, bonds, grain or produce.
Section 750.312 Commission merchants, statements on demand.
Section 750.313 Gambling in stocks, bonds, grain or produce; penalty.
Section 750.314 Winning at gambling.
Section 750.315 Losing at gambling.
Section 750.315a Loan promotion raffle or savings promotion raffle; inapplicability of chapter.
328-1931-XLV CHAPTER XLV HOMICIDE (750.316...750.329a)
Section 750.316 First degree murder; incarceration order upon conviction; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.317 Second degree murder; penalty.
Section 750.317a Delivery of schedule 1 or 2 controlled substance; death as felony; penalty.
Section 750.318 Degree of murder; determination; testimony, open court, transcript.
Section 750.319 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.320 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.321 Manslaughter.
Section 750.322 Manslaughter; wilful killing of unborn quick child.
Section 750.323 Repealed. 2023, Act 286, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024.
Section 750.324, 750.325 Repealed. 2008, Act 463, Eff. Oct. 31, 2010.
Section 750.326 Immoderate speed not dependent on legal speed.
Section 750.327 Death due to explosives.
Section 750.327a Sale of explosives to minors.
Section 750.328 Death due to explosives; placed with intent to destroy building or object.
Section 750.329 Discharging firearm pointed or aimed at another person resulting in death; manslaughter; exception; "peace officer" defined.
Section 750.329a Intent to assist individual in suicide; prohibited conduct; felony; exception; effect of common law offense.
328-1931-XLVI CHAPTER XLVI HORSE RACING (750.330...750.332)
Section 750.330 Betting odds; publishing and selling.
Section 750.331 Racing; definition, penalty.
Section 750.332 Fraudulent entry of horses in speed contests.
328-1931-XLVII CHAPTER XLVII INCEST (750.333...750.334)
Section 750.333 Repealed. 1974, Act 266, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
Section 750.334 Repealed. 1999, Act 251, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 1999.
Section 750.335 Lewd and lascivious cohabitation and gross lewdness.
Section 750.335a Indecent exposure; violation; penalty; mother's breastfeeding or expressing milk exempt.
Section 750.336 Repealed. 1974, Act 266, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
Section 750.337 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.338 Gross indecency; between male persons.
Section 750.338a Gross indecency; female persons.
Section 750.338b Gross indecency; between male and female persons.
Section 750.339-750.342 Repealed. 1974, Act 266, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
Section 750.343 Repealed. 1957, Act 265, Imd. Eff. June 13, 1957.
Section 750.343a-750.343d Repealed. 1984, Act 343, Eff. Mar. 29, 1985.
Section 750.343e Repealed. 1978, Act 33, Eff. June 1, 1978.
Section 750.344-750.346 Repealed. 1984, Act 343, Eff. Mar. 29, 1985.
Section 750.347 Disabled or disfigured human being; exposure or exhibition; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
328-1931-XLIX CHAPTER XLIX INDIANS (750.348...750.348)
Section 750.348 Repealed. 2002, Act 260, Imd. Eff. May 1, 2002.
328-1931-L CHAPTER L KIDNAPING (750.349...750.350a)
Section 750.349 Kidnapping; "restrain" defined; violation as felony; penalty; other violation arising from same transaction.
Section 750.349a Prisoner taking person as hostage.
Section 750.349b Unlawful imprisonment; circumstances; violation as felony; penalty; definitions; other violation.
Section 750.350 Leading, taking, carrying away, decoying, or enticing away child under 14; intent; violation as felony; penalty; adoptive or natural parent.
Section 750.350a Taking or retaining child by adoptive or natural parent; intent; violation as felony; penalty; restitution for financial expense; effect of pleading or being found guilty; probation; discharge and dismissal; court proceedings open to public; retention of nonpublic record by department of state police; defense.
Section 750.351 Consideration for employment.
Section 750.352 Molesting and disturbing persons in pursuit of occupation, vocation or avocation.
Section 750.353 Contributions to charitable purposes, deduction from wages.
Section 750.353a Employee welfare plan, failure of employer to contribute as promised.
Section 750.354 Insurance with particular company.
Section 750.354a Unlawful to compel certain employees to pay cost of medical examination, photographing or fingerprinting; penalty.
Section 750.355 Temporary water closets.
Section 750.355a Consideration for employing or not discharging.
328-1931-LII CHAPTER LII LARCENY (750.356...750.367c)
Section 750.356 Larceny; property; penalties; total value of property stolen; enhanced sentence; prior convictions; "scrap metal" defined.
Section 750.356a Larceny; motor vehicles or trailers; aggregate value; prior convictions; breaking or entering; damaging.
Section 750.356b Breaking and entering coin operated telephone, penalty.
Section 750.356c Retail fraud in first degree.
Section 750.356d Retail fraud in second or third degree.
Section 750.357 Larceny from the person.
Section 750.357a Larceny of livestock.
Section 750.357b Committing larceny by stealing firearm of another person as felony; penalty.
Section 750.358 Larceny at a fire.
Section 750.359 Larceny from vacant dwelling.
Section 750.360 Larceny; places of abode, work, storage, conveyance, worship and other places.
Section 750.360a Electronic or magnetic theft detection; shielding merchandise prohibited; violation as crime.
Section 750.361 Larceny or maliciously removing journal bearings or brasses.
Section 750.362 Larceny by conversion.
Section 750.362a Larceny; rented motor vehicle, trailer or other tangible property; penalty.
Section 750.363 Larceny by false personation.
Section 750.364 Larceny from libraries.
Section 750.365 Larceny from car or persons detained or injured by accident.
Section 750.366 Repealed. 2002, Act 295, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.367 Taking or injuring trees, shrubs, vines, plants.
Section 750.367a Larceny of rationed goods, wares and merchandise.
Section 750.367b Taking possession of and use of airplane.
Section 750.367c Theft of motor vehicle fuel.
328-1931-LIII CHAPTER LIII LEGAL PROCESS (750.368...750.369)
Section 750.368 Simulating legal process.
Section 750.369 Abuse of legal process.
328-1931-LIV CHAPTER LIV LIBEL AND SLANDER (750.370...750.371)
Section 750.370 Falsely and maliciously accusing another.
Section 750.371 Second or subsequent violation; penalty.
328-1931-LV CHAPTER LV LOTTERIES (750.372...750.376a)
Section 750.372 Lotteries and gift enterprises; prohibited acts; applicability of subsection (1); “promotional activity” defined; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.372a “Game promotion” defined; force or coercion to purchase, presumption; predetermining identity of one entitled to prize; disclosing description, amount, number of prizes; penalty, misdemeanor.
Section 750.373 Game promotion; tickets; selling, possession, exchange.
Section 750.374 Game promotion; second offense.
Section 750.375 Advertising, printing, or publishing lottery tickets; prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.376 Extension and application of chapter.
Section 750.376a Loan promotion raffle or savings promotion raffle; inapplicability of chapter.
Section 750.377 Repealed. 1994, Act 126, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995.
Section 750.377a Willful and malicious destruction of personal property; enhanced sentence.
Section 750.377b Malicious destruction of property; property of police or fire department.
Section 750.377c Intentional damage, destruction, or alteration of school bus as felony; penalty; “school bus” defined.
Section 750.377d Damaging, injuring, defacing, dismantling, tampering with, or removing traffic control device as crime; violation of law arising out of same transaction; "traffic control device" defined.
Section 750.378 Malicious destruction of property; dam, reservoir, canal, trench.
Section 750.379 Malicious destruction of property; bridges.
Section 750.380 Willful and malicious destruction of property; house, barn, or building of another.
Section 750.381 Malicious destruction of property; fences or opening gates.
Section 750.382 Maliciously destroying or injuring trees, shrubs, grass, turf, plants, crops, or soil.
Section 750.383 Malicious destruction of property; boundary markers; defacing inscriptions, buildings and sign boards; light bulbs.
Section 750.383a Destruction of certain property used in connection with appliance or component of electric, telecommunication, or natural gas infrastructure that is property of utility; violation; penalty; "utility" defined.
Section 750.384 Malicious destruction of property; logs, timber.
Section 750.385 Malicious destruction of property; signs, bills and notices placed on private property.
Section 750.386 Malicious destruction of property; machinery and appliances.
Section 750.387 Willful destruction of property; memorials of dead; protective or ornamental structures; trees, shrubs, or plants; violation as misdemeanor or felony; penalties; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.388 Malicious destruction of property; personal property seized by legal process.
Section 750.389 False or malicious statements as to insurance companies.
Section 750.390 Malicious annoyance by writing.
Section 750.391 Maliciously injuring or mutilating library books.
Section 750.392 Vessels, wilfully destroying.
Section 750.393 Buoy or beacon; willfully removing or destroying.
Section 750.394 Train, car, or vehicle, throwing, propelling, or dropping stone or object; violation; penalty; “serious impairment” defined.
Section 750.394a Racing event; throwing object at motor vehicle; throwing or placing object on racecourse; misdemeanor; penalty; definition.
Section 750.395 Damage or destruction of research property; violation as crime; violation of other law; total value; enhanced sentence; prior convictions; restitution; definitions.
328-1931-LVII CHAPTER LVII MASKS AND DISGUISES (750.396...750.396)
Section 750.396 Wearing mask or face covering device.
328-1931-LVIII CHAPTER LVIII MAYHEM (750.397...750.397a)
Section 750.397 Mayhem.
Section 750.397a Placing harmful object or substance in food; furnishing food containing harmful object or substance; penalty.
328-1931-LIX CHAPTER LIX MILITARY (750.398...750.408)
Section 750.398 Member of state militia; depriving or obstructing employment.
Section 750.399 Member of state militia; discrimination.
Section 750.400 Member of state militia; molesting or abusing.
Section 750.401 Army, navy or national guard uniform, unauthorized wearing.
Section 750.402 Societies parading under arms.
Section 750.403 Desertion from military service.
Section 750.404 Desertion from military service.
Section 750.405 Desertion from military service; inciting.
Section 750.406 Military stores, larceny, embezzlement or destruction.
Section 750.407 Military draft; resisting and inciting resistance.
Section 750.408 Deserters; concealing or harboring as misdemeanor.
328-1931-LX CHAPTER LX MISCELLANEOUS (750.409...750.411x)
Section 750.409 Repealed. 2002, Act 210, Imd. Eff. Apr. 29, 2002.
Section 750.409a Expired. 1984, Act 407, Eff. May 1, 1985.
Section 750.409b Ransomware; possession; use; prohibition; violation as felony; penalty; "ransomware" defined.
Section 750.410 Solicitation of personal injury claims; validity of contracts; furnishing, selling, or buying information as to identity or treatment of patient.
Section 750.410a Conspiring to commit person to institution for mental incompetents deemed felony.
Section 750.410b Contact with individual or family member sustaining personal injury as result of motor vehicle accident; prohibition; exceptions; definitions; violation as misdemeanor; costs.
Section 750.410c Distributing, delivering, selling, or possessing a drug-masking product; prohibition; violation as a misdemeanor.
Section 750.411 Hospitals, pharmacies, physicians; duty to report injuries; violation as misdemeanor; immunity; limitations.
Section 750.411a False report of crime or report of medical or other emergency; violation; penalty; payment of costs by juvenile; jurisdiction; definitions.
Section 750.411b Excess fees to members of legislature, for services.
Section 750.411c Asphyxia or death from submersion in water, reports, investigations, penalty.
Section 750.411d Requesting assistance of ambulance service or advanced mobile emergency care service with intent not to use assistance as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.411e Repealed. 2020, Act 367, Imd. Eff. Jan. 4, 2021.
Section 750.411f Violations of Michigan employment security act; prosecution; effective date of section.
Section 750.411g “Bed and breakfast” and “hotel” defined; prohibited acts; penalties; restitution for room damage; posting copy of section in conspicuous place; prosecution for underlying violation.
Section 750.411h Stalking; definitions; violation as misdemeanor; penalties; probation; conditions; evidence of continued conduct as rebuttable presumption; additional penalties.
Section 750.411i Definitions; aggravated stalking; circumstances; violation as felony; penalty; probation; additional conditions of probation; effect of continued course of conduct; rebuttable presumption; additional penalty.
Section 750.411j Definitions.
Section 750.411k Proceeds of criminal offense; receipt; acquisition; financial transaction.
Section 750.411<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Fourth-degree money laundering.
Section 750.411m Third-degree money laundering.
Section 750.411n Second-degree money laundering.
Section 750.411o First-degree money laundering.
Section 750.411p Financial transaction involving proceeds of criminal offense; representation by law enforcement officer; felony; penalty; threshold amount.
Section 750.411q Obtaining information and access to financial crimes enforcement network; disseminating information; authorization by federal government.
Section 750.411r Unused property merchant; prohibited acts; violation as misdemeanor; definitions.
Section 750.411s Posting message through electronic medium; prohibitions; penalty; exceptions; definitions.
Section 750.411t Hazing prohibited; violation; penalty; exceptions; certain defenses barred; definitions; section title.
Section 750.411u Associate or member of gang; commission or attempt to commit felony; membership in gang as motive, means, or opportunity; penalty; definitions; consecutive sentence.
Section 750.411v Causing, encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing another to join, participate in, or assist gang in felony; violation as felony; threat of injury or damage as felony; additional sentence; definitions.
Section 750.411w Automated sales suppression device or zapper, phantom-ware, or skimming device; sale, purchase, installation, transfer, or possession prohibited; violation as felony; liability for taxes and penalties; exception; definitions.
Section 750.411x Cyberbullying prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; violation as felony; definitions.
328-1931-LXI CHAPTER LXI MOTOR VEHICLES (750.412...750.421e)
Section 750.412 Definition.
Section 750.413 Motor vehicle; taking possession and driving away.
Section 750.414 Motor vehicle; use without authority but without intent to steal.
Section 750.414a Unlawful possession of motor vehicle master key; definition; exceptions; penalty.
Section 750.415 Concealing or misrepresenting identity of motor vehicle or mechanical device as misdemeanor or felony; evidence of violation; confiscation; sale at public auction; revocation of dealer's license; vehicle identification plate and applicable labels; motor vehicle or part with identification number removed.
Section 750.416 Motor vehicle; damaging, tampering or meddling with.
Section 750.417 Motor vehicle; removal out of state, consent of mortgagee.
Section 750.417a Vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft subject to conditional sales contract, security agreement, or lease contract; written consent required for lease or sublease; violation as misdemeanor; court action; construction of section.
Section 750.418 Motor vehicle; removal out of state, consent of vendor.
Section 750.419 Operating or riding motorcycle; moped, or other motor vehicle on bicycle path or sidewalk; misdemeanor; exception.
Section 750.420 Motor vehicle; equipment with smoke or gas producing devices.
Section 750.421 Repealed. 2020, Act 57, Eff. June 8, 2020.
Section 750.421a Motor vehicle; assignment of title upon trade-in.
Section 750.421b Motor vehicle; transporting farm or commercial products, hindering.
Section 750.421c Sale of motor vehicle to unemancipated minor prohibited without consent of parent or guardian; retention of form; penalty.
Section 750.421d Importing, manufacturing, selling, distributing, installing, or reinstalling counterfeit supplemental restraint system or nonfunctional airbag; penalties; applicability of section; definitions.
Section 750.421e Repealed. 1974, Act 367, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
328-1931-LXII CHAPTER LXII PERJURY (750.422...750.427)
Section 750.422 Perjury committed in courts.
Section 750.422a Making intentional material false statement in petition as felony; penalty; consecutive terms of imprisonment.
Section 750.423 Perjury; penalty; "record" and "signed" defined.
Section 750.424 Subornation of perjury.
Section 750.425 Inciting or procuring one to commit perjury.
Section 750.426 Court reasonably believes perjury committed.
Section 750.427 Perjury trial; securing and detaining papers.
Section 750.428 Dividing fees.
Section 750.429 Employing solicitors, cappers, or drummers.
Section 750.430 Prohibited conduct by licensed health care professional; submission to chemical analysis; admissibility as evidence; conduct of collection and testing; other violations arising out of same transaction; good faith emergency care; order to participate in health professional recovery program; violation as misdemeanor; penalties; probation; discharge and dismissal; nonpublic record; “licensed health care professional” defined.
Section 750.430a Human cloning; prohibition; exception; violation; penalty; “human cloning” defined.
328-1931-LXIV CHAPTER LXIV POISONS (750.431...750.438)
Section 750.431 Poisons and antidotes; marking name by retailers.
Section 750.432 Recording sales of poisons.
Section 750.433 Giving false or fictitious name.
Section 750.434 Marking containers of naphtha and alcohol.
Section 750.435 Denatured alcohol container; label.
Section 750.436 Mingling poison or harmful substance with food, drink, nonprescription medicine, or pharmaceutical product, or placing poison or harmful substance in spring, well, reservoir, or public water supply; false information; violation; penalties.
Section 750.437 Exposing poisonous substances where liable to be eaten by beasts; exception.
Section 750.438 Poisonous fly killers; regulations; noncompliance; misdemeanor.
328-1931-LXV CHAPTER LXV POLYGAMY (750.439...750.441)
Section 750.439 Polygamy; definition; felony.
Section 750.440 Knowingly marrying one to whom marriage is prohibited; felony.
Section 750.441 Teaching, soliciting and advocating polygamy; felony.
328-1931-LXVI CHAPTER LXVI PRIZE FIGHTS (750.442...750.447)
Section 750.442-750.447 Repealed. 2010, Act 98, Imd. Eff. June 22, 2010.
328-1931-LXVII CHAPTER LXVII PROSTITUTION (750.448...750.462)
Section 750.448 Soliciting, accosting, or inviting to commit prostitution or immoral act; crime.
Section 750.449 Admitting to place for purpose of prostitution; crime.
Section 750.449a Engaging services for purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation; engaging services with person less than 18 years of age for purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation; penalty.
Section 750.450 Aiding, assisting, or abetting; penalty.
Section 750.451 Violation of MCL 750.448, 750.449, 750.449a(1), 750.450, or 750.462; prior convictions; penalty; prosecution of person under 18 years of age; presumption; report; investigation by department of health and human services; "prior conviction" defined.
Section 750.451a Law enforcement officers; applicability.
Section 750.451b Applicability of MCL 750.451a.
Section 750.451c Individual as victim of human trafficking violation; applicability of subsection (2); deferred proceedings; determination of court; violation of term or condition of probation; adjudication of guilt; circumstances; discharge and dismissal; proceedings open to public; record; nonpublic record; "human trafficking violation" defined.
Section 750.452 House of ill-fame or for purpose of prostitution or lewdness; keeping, maintaining, or operating as felony; penalty.
Section 750.453 Providing incriminating testimony or evidence; use of truthful testimony, evidence, or other information against witness in criminal case.
Section 750.454 Leasing houses for purposes of prostitution; misdemeanor.
Section 750.455 Certain conduct as felony.
Section 750.456 Placing spouse in house of prostitution; felony.
Section 750.457 Accepting, receiving, levying, or appropriating from earnings of person engaged in prostitution.
Section 750.458 Detaining person in house of prostitution for debt; felony.
Section 750.459 Transporting person for prostitution; sale of travel services for purposes of prostitution or human trafficking; conduct against minor; felony; "travel services" defined.
Section 750.460 Acts committed outside state.
Section 750.461 Competency of person to testify for or against accused notwithstanding person's marriage to accused.
328-1931-LXVIIA CHAPTER LXVIIA HUMAN TRAFFICKING (750.462a...750.462j)
Section 750.462 Female 16 years of age or less in house of prostitution; crime.
Section 750.462a Definitions.
Section 750.462b Forced labor or services; prohibition.
Section 750.462c Holding individual in debt bondage.
Section 750.462d Prohibited conduct.
Section 750.462e Forced labor or services; prohibited conduct as it relates to age of minor.
Section 750.462f Violation of MCL 750.462b, 750.462c, and 750.462d; violation of MCL 750.462e; attempting, conspiring, or soliciting another to violate chapter; violation of law arising out of same transaction; consecutive terms; restitution.
Section 750.462g Testimony of victim; admissibility of expert testimony as to human trafficking victim's behavior.
Section 750.462h Relevancy of resistance or lack of resistance.
Section 750.462i Repealed. 2014, Act 329, Eff. Jan. 14, 2015.
Section 750.462j Repealed. 2014, Act 329, Eff. Jan. 14, 2015.
Section 750.463 Unpublished and undedicated plays and compositions; consent of owner.
Section 750.464 Sale of seats in places of public entertainment.
Section 750.464a Consuming intoxicating liquor in unlicensed places; liability.
Section 750.464b Definitions for MCL 750.465.
Section 750.465 Sale of tickets for theatre, circus, athletic game, or place of public entertainment or amusement; requirements; prohibitions; penalty.
Section 750.465a Operation of audiovisual device in theatrical facility; prohibited conduct; violation; exception; definitions.
328-1931-LXIX CHAPTER LXIX PUBLIC HEALTH (750.466...750.477a)
Section 750.466 Selling diseased or unwholesome provisions without notice.
Section 750.467 Feeding animals or fowls putrid or unwholesome food.
Section 750.468 Baked goods and pastries; sanitary and dust proof containers.
Section 750.469 Standard clinical thermometers.
Section 750.470 Cigarettes, cigars, or other tobacco products; sale or distribution through use of vending machines in places of public accommodation; prohibition; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; enforcement.
Section 750.471 Transportation of dressed calves, sheep, hogs, and beeves; violation of act, misdemeanor.
Section 750.472 Repealed. 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978.
Section 750.473 Use of tobacco product on school property prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; definitions; applicability of subsection (1) to outdoor areas.
Section 750.474 Transportation or possession of usable marihuana; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.475-750.477 Repealed. 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978.
Section 750.477a Horse and dog meat; unlawful to sell not labelled; violation of section, misdemeanor.
Section 750.478 Willful neglect of duty; public officer or person holding public trust or employment; penalty.
Section 750.478a Legal process; intimidation, hindering, or obstruction of public officer or employee.
Section 750.478b Use of authority to prevent reporting of certain crimes to title IX coordinator; penalty.
Section 750.479 Resisting or obstructing officer in discharge of duty; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.479a Failure to obey direction of police or conservation officer to stop motor vehicle or vessel; violation of subsection (1); fleeing and eluding as felony; penalty; suspension of license; revocation; conviction and sentence under other provision; definitions.
Section 750.479b Taking of firearm or other weapon from peace officer or corrections officer; penalty; commission of other violation; consecutive terms of imprisonment; definitions.
Section 750.479c Person informed of criminal investigation by peace officer; prohibited conduct; violation; penalty; exception; definitions.
Section 750.480 Refusing to deliver records and money to successor in office.
Section 750.481 Neglecting or refusing to execute process; penalty.
Section 750.482 Neglecting or refusing to pay over moneys collected; penalty.
Section 750.483 Neglecting or refusing to aid sheriff, coroner or constable; misdemeanor.
Section 750.483a Prohibited acts; penalties; “retaliate,” “official proceeding,” and “threaten or intimidate” defined.
Section 750.484 Repealed. 1991, Act 145, Imd. Eff. Nov. 25, 1991.
Section 750.485 Accounting for county money; county and municipal officers.
Section 750.486 Repealed. 2002, Act 264, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.487 Defense of accused by law partner of prosecutor.
Section 750.488 Retention of fees by state officers and employees on salary.
Section 750.489 False statement of public finances and transfer of same.
Section 750.490 Safe keeping of public moneys.
Section 750.490a Purchase by employee upon public credit for private use.
328-1931-LXXI CHAPTER LXXI PUBLIC RECORDS (750.491...750.492a)
Section 750.491 Public records; disposal; removal, mutilation, or destruction; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.492 Public records; inspection; use; copying; removal.
Section 750.492a Placing misleading or inaccurate information in medical records or charts; alteration or destruction of medical records or charts; penalties; applicability of subsections (1) and (2); basis for civil action for damages not created.
328-1931-LXXII CHAPTER LXXII PUBLIC SAFETY (750.493...750.502d)
Section 750.493 Protection of exploration; pits and holes.
Section 750.493a Placing or throwing glass or other debris on beach or public highway.
Section 750.493b Well or cistern; abandoning or failing to keep safely covered or fenced; depth and width.
Section 750.493c Excavation or basement; failure to cover or fence.
Section 750.493d Icebox or refrigerator; abandoned without removing snaplock or locking device, penalty.
Section 750.493e Jumping or diving from public bridge or overpass as misdemeanor; effective date of section.
Section 750.494 Repealed. 2002, Act 262, Imd. Eff. May 1, 2002.
Section 750.495 Shafting; erection to protect public.
Section 750.495a Damage to saws or wood manufacturing or processing equipment.
Section 750.496 Repealed. 2014, Act 112, Eff. July 9, 2014.
Section 750.497 Detouring traffic as public safety measure; notices, posting.
Section 750.498 Erection of traffic signals by township boards on trunk lines.
Section 750.498a Repealed. 1949, Act 300, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949.
Section 750.498b Marine safety device; tampering with, taking, or removing prohibited; violation; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.499 False active shooter alarm; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 750.500 Repealed. 1949, Act 300, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949.
Section 750.501 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.502 Repealed. 2002, Act 252, Imd. Eff. May 1, 2002.
Section 750.502a Repealed. 1964, Act 256, Eff. Aug. 28, 1964.
Section 750.502b Sale or attempted sale of kerosene with flash point of less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.502c Public accommodation; requirements; violation as misdemeanor; definitions.
Section 750.502d Transporting or possessing anhydrous ammonia; “container approved by law” defined.
328-1931-LXXIII CHAPTER LXXIII PUNISHMENTS (750.503...750.506a)
Section 750.503 Punishment of felonies when not fixed by statute.
Section 750.504 Punishment of misdemeanors when not fixed by statute.
Section 750.505 Punishment for indictable common law offenses.
Section 750.506 Optional jail sentence for first offenders convicted of felonies.
Section 750.506a Prisoners committing offenses defined in MCL 750.81 to 750.86; penalties.
Section 750.507 State radio broadcasting station; priority of messages.
Section 750.507b Telegraph and telephone companies; interference, obstruction.
Section 750.508 Equipping vehicle with radio able to receive signals on frequencies assigned for police or certain other purposes; violation; penalties; radar detectors not applicable.
Section 750.508a Repealed. 1991, Act 55, Imd. Eff. June 27, 1991.
Section 750.509 False reports to police broadcasting station.
Section 750.510 Broadcasting regulations; violation.
328-1931-LXXV CHAPTER LXXV RAILROADS (750.511...750.519)
Section 750.511 Attempt to wreck or endanger safety of passengers.
Section 750.512 Uncoupling locomotive or cars.
Section 750.513 Repealed. 2002, Act 293, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.514 Repealed. 2002, Act 292, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.515 Proof of existence of railroad company.
Section 750.516 Repealed. 2002, Act 291, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.517 Repealed. 2002, Act 290, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 750.518 Boarding railroad train while in motion.
Section 750.519 Disciplining or discharging on report of railroad detective.
328-1931-LXXVI CHAPTER LXXVI RAPE (750.520...750.520o)
Section 750.520 Repealed. 1974, Act 266, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
Section 750.520a Definitions.
Section 750.520b Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree; circumstances; felony; consecutive terms.
Section 750.520c Criminal sexual conduct in the second degree; felony.
Section 750.520d Criminal sexual conduct in the third degree; felony.
Section 750.520e Criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree; misdemeanor.
Section 750.520f Second or subsequent offense; penalty.
Section 750.520g Assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct; felony.
Section 750.520h Corroboration of victim's testimony not required.
Section 750.520i Resistance by victim not required.
Section 750.520j Evidence of victim's sexual conduct.
Section 750.520k Suppression of names and details.
Section 750.520<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Legal spouse as victim.
Section 750.520m DNA identification profiling; chemical testing; manner of collecting and transmitting samples; existing DNA identification profile; assessment; definitions.
Section 750.520n Lifetime electronic monitoring.
Section 750.520o Violation of MCL 750.520b, 750.520c, 750.520d, 750.520e, or 750.520g by individual or juvenile who is student; definitions.
Section 750.521-750.522 Repealed. 1968, Act 302, Eff. July 1, 1968.
Section 750.523 Riots and unlawful assemblies; refusal to aid officer.
Section 750.524 Riotous or unlawful assembly; neglecting or refusing to suppress assembly and arrest offenders; penalty.
Section 750.525 Riots and unlawful assemblies; use of force to quell.
Section 750.526 Riots and unlawful assemblies; armed force in dispersing to execute order of certain officials.
Section 750.527 Riots and unlawful assemblies; death ensuing from efforts to disperse.
Section 750.528 Riots and unlawful assemblies; destroying dwelling house or other property.
Section 750.528a Definitions; firearm or explosive or incendiary device; teaching or demonstrating use, application, or construction in furtherance of civil disorder; unlawful assembly; exception; violation as felony.
328-1931-LXXVIII CHAPTER LXXVIII ROBBERY (750.529...750.531)
Section 750.529 Use or possession of dangerous weapon; aggravated assault; penalty.
Section 750.529a Carjacking; felony; penalty; “in the course of committing a larceny of a motor vehicle” defined; consecutive sentence.
Section 750.530 Larceny of money or other property; felony; penalty; “in the course of committing a larceny” defined.
Section 750.531 Bank, safe and vault robbery.
328-1931-LXXIX CHAPTER LXXIX SEDUCTION (750.532...750.532)
Section 750.532 Seduction; punishment.
328-1931-LXXX CHAPTER LXXX SLAUGHTER HOUSES (750.533...750.534)
Section 750.533 Slaughter houses; within 20 rods of highway.
Section 750.534 Slaughter houses; water supply, sewerage and drainage.
Section 750.535 Buying, receiving, possessing, concealing, or aiding in concealment of stolen, embezzled, or converted property or motor vehicle; violation; penalty; rebuttable presumption; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions; prohibited defense.
Section 750.535a Definitions; owning, operating, or conducting chop shop; aiding and abetting; felony; penalty; second or subsequent conviction; restitution; property subject to seizure or forfeiture; process; disposition of money seized; seizure without process; bond; duties of seizing law enforcement agency; return of property; hearing; notice to rightful owner; interest of secured party; return of property seized to rightful owner; sale of unclaimed stolen property; sale of forfeited property; distribution of proceeds; enhancement of law enforcement efforts; applicability of section.
Section 750.535b Transporting or shipping stolen firearm or stolen ammunition as felony; receiving, concealing, storing, bartering, selling, disposing of, pledging, or accepting as security for a loan a stolen firearm as felony; penalties.
Section 750.536 Conviction for larceny not essential.
Section 750.536a Rendering goods or property unidentifiable; possession or sale of goods or property with identifying number obscured, defaced, altered, obliterated, removed, destroyed, or otherwise concealed or disguised.
Section 750.537 Copper or silver ore; barter, transfer, or sale; memorandum of sale; certificate; applicability; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 750.538 Copper or silver ore; sales, transfers, or shipments; memorandum of sale; certificate; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 750.539 Divulging contents of messages.
Section 750.539a Definitions.
Section 750.539b Trespassing for purpose of eavesdropping or surveillance.
Section 750.539c Eavesdropping upon private conversation.
Section 750.539d Installation, placement, or use of device for observing, recording, transmitting, photographing or eavesdropping in private place.
Section 750.539e Use or divulgence of information unlawfully obtained.
Section 750.539f Unlawful manufacture, possession or transfer of eavesdropping devices.
Section 750.539g Exceptions.
Section 750.539h Civil remedies.
Section 750.539i Proof of installation of device as prima facie evidence of violation.
Section 750.539j Surveillance of or distribution, dissemination, or transmission of recording, photograph, or visual image of individual having reasonable expectation of privacy; prohibited conduct; violation as felony; penalty; exceptions; “surveil” defined.
Section 750.539k Personal identifying information; prohibited conduct; exception; violation as felony; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.539l Tracking device; placement or installment on motor vehicle without consent; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; exemptions; inapplicability of subsection (2)(j); liability for damages; definitions.
Section 750.540 Use of electronic medium of communication; prohibited conduct; violation as felony; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.540a Party line, emergency, defined; refusal to yield or surrender use of line; pretext; penalty.
Section 750.540b Notice contained in telephone directory, printing; exception.
Section 750.540c Prohibited conduct with regard to telecommunications access device; “materials” defined; violation as felony; penalty; amateur radio service; forfeiture; order; definitions.
Section 750.540d Seizure of devices, plans, instructions, or materials.
Section 750.540e Malicious use of service provided by telecommunications service provider.
Section 750.540f Telecommunications access device; use in violation of MCL 750.219a; misdemeanor; violation of subsection (1) and previous conviction as felony; prior conviction; definitions.
Section 750.540g Telecommunications service; unauthorized use by officer, shareholder, partner, employee, agent, or independent contractor; use in separate incidents pursuant to scheme or course of conduct; enhanced sentence based on prior convictions.
Section 750.540h Intent to permit or obtain unauthorized receipt of telecommunications service.
Section 750.541 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.542 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
328-1931-LXXXIII-A CHAPTER LXXXIII-A (750.543a...750.543z)
Section 750.543 Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.543a Short title.
Section 750.543b Definitions.
Section 750.543c “Terrorist organization” defined.
Section 750.543f Terrorism; action; felony; penalty.
Section 750.543h Hindering prosecution of terrorism; conduct; felony; penalty.
Section 750.543k Providing material support for terrorist acts or soliciting material support for terrorism as felonies; penalty.
Section 750.543m Making terrorist threat or false report of terrorism; intent or capability as defense prohibited; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 750.543p Internet or telecommunications or electronic device; prohibited use; violation as felony; penalty; definitions.
Section 750.543r Obtaining or possessing certain information about vulnerable target; intent; felony; penalty; “vulnerable target” defined.
Section 750.543x Restitution; reimbursement.
Section 750.543y Other violations arising out of same criminal transaction.
Section 750.543z Constitutionally protected conduct; prosecution prohibited.
Section 750.544 Treason; punishment.
Section 750.545 Misprision of treason.
Section 750.545a-750.545d Repealed. 1978, Act 571, Imd. Eff. Jan. 2, 1979.
328-1931-LXXXV CHAPTER LXXXV TRESPASS (750.546...750.552c)
Section 750.546 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.547 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.548 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.549 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.550 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.551 Repealed. 2015, Act 211, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.
Section 750.552 Trespass upon lands or premises of another; exception; violation; penalty; "process server" defined.
Section 750.552a Filth, garbage or refuse; unlawful to dump, deposit or place on property of another.
Section 750.552b Trespass upon property of state correctional facility; violation as felony; penalty; “state correctional facility” defined.
Section 750.552c Entering or remaining in key facility; prohibition; "key facility" defined; posting signs; violation as felony; penalty; scope of section.
Section 750.553 Occupancy of building without consent; violation; penalty; exception.
Section 750.554, 750.555 Repealed. 1984, Act 274, Eff. Mar. 29, 1985.
Section 750.556 Discrimination between sexes in payment of wages.
Section 750.557-750.560 Repealed. 1982, Act 238, Eff. Dec. 31, 1984;—1984, Act 274, Eff. Mar. 29, 1985.
Section 750.561 False weights and measures.
Section 750.562 Fruit or vegetable containers, copyrighted or registered.
Section 750.563 Livestock or poultry; duty in weighing.
Section 750.564 Fruit or vegetable containers to hold quantity represented.
Section 750.565 Fruit baskets to be marked as to number of pounds.
Section 750.566 Binder twine; marking.
Section 750.567 Repealed. 1945, Act 267, Imd. Eff. May 25, 1945.
Section 750.568 Saving section.
Section 750.569 Repealed. 1945, Act 267, Imd. Eff. May 25, 1945.