MCL - 368-1978-15-181

Act 368 of 1978
Part 181
Document Type Description
Section 333.18101 Section Definitions.
Section 333.18103 Section Michigan board of counseling; creation; membership; terms of office.
Section 333.18105 Section Practice of counseling; conditions; use of words, titles, or letters.
Section 333.18106 Section Supervision of limited licensed counselor; training required.
Section 333.18107 Section Professional counselor license; qualifications; rules.
Section 333.18109 Section Limited license; qualifications; renewal; restricted practice.
Section 333.18111 Section Limited license; criteria; restricted practice; rules.
Section 333.18112 Section Administering assessments; training required.
Section 333.18113 Section Professional disclosure statement.
Section 333.18114 Section Relicensure; application requirements; professional disclosure statement; out-of-state license verification.
Section 333.18115 Section Practice of statutorily regulated profession or occupation not limited; definition; applicability of part; use of word "counselor."
Section 333.18116 Section Third party reimbursement or mandated worker's compensation benefits.
Section 333.18117 Section Privileged communications; disclosure of confidential information.