MCL - 175-1927-VII

Act 175 of 1927
Chapter VII
Document Type Description
Section 767.1 Section Courts of record; jurisdiction over prosecutions upon information.
Section 767.2 Section Applicability of indictment laws to informations.
Section 767.3 Section Proceedings before trial; inquiry; summoning witnesses; notification to judge; taking testimony; legal counsel; disqualification of judge.
Section 767.4 Section Proceedings before trial; apprehension of suspect; disqualification as examining magistrate; finding as to misconduct in office; disclosures, penalty, exceptions; report of no finding of criminal guilt; period of inquiry; successor judge, appointment.
Section 767.4a Section Proceedings before trial; unlawful use or possession of testimony, exhibits or proceedings; exceptions, penalty.
Section 767.5 Section Proceedings before trial; failure of witnesses to appear or answer questions; hearing, penalty; commutation or suspension of sentence.
Section 767.5a Section Disclosing identity of informant; privileged and confidential communications.
Section 767.6 Section Incriminating answers of witnesses; order granting immunity; use of truthful testimony or other information against witness in criminal case; transcript; applicability of secrecy provisions; scope of order.
Section 767.6a Section Docket, journal, transcript and record; seal and file; violation of secrecy; available in connection with appeal, order, receipt; destruction of transcripts, notes and records.
Section 767.6b Section Public accounting by judge; time, filing.
Section 767.7 Section Grand jury; summoning, procedure.
Section 767.7a Section Grand jurors; term of service; recalling.
Section 767.7b Section Grand jury; petition by attorney general or county prosecuting attorneys to convene; jurisdiction; contents of petition.
Section 767.7c Section Grand jury convened by court of appeals; procedure; jurisdiction.
Section 767.7d Section Grand jury convened by court of appeals; circumstances.
Section 767.7e Section Grand jury convened by court of appeals; duties of court of appeals.
Section 767.7f Section Grand jury convened by court of appeals; term; extension; dismissal; recall.
Section 767.7g Section Grand jury convened by court of appeals; expansion of jurisdiction; petition.
Section 767.8 Section Grand jury; juror; grounds for discharge; summoning new juror.
Section 767.9 Section Grand jurors; alphabetical list; administration and form of oath.
Section 767.10 Section Grand jury; affirmation in lieu of oath.
Section 767.11 Section Grand jury; size; foreman, appointment.
Section 767.12 Section Grand jury; foreman; term, vacancy.
Section 767.13 Section Grand jury; juror; grounds of objection to competency.
Section 767.14 Section Grand jury; no challenge of array or individual juror in other cases.
Section 767.15 Section Grand jury; witnesses; administration of oath, list.
Section 767.16 Section Grand jury; clerk, stenographer; appointment, duties.
Section 767.17 Section Grand jury; summoning after dismissal.
Section 767.18 Section Grand jury; disclosure of indictment for felony.
Section 767.19 Section Grand jury; testimony to certain facts required.
Section 767.19a Section Grand jury; order granting immunity to persons giving testimony; application; verified petition; entry of order.
Section 767.19b Section Delivery of immunity order to witness; use of truthful testimony or other information against witness in criminal case; transcript; duration of order granting immunity.
Section 767.19c Section Grand jury; witness, failing to appear, contempt; penalty; purging.
Section 767.19d Section Grand jury; perjury.
Section 767.19e Section Grand jury; right of witness to legal counsel; communications between witness and legal counsel.
Section 767.19f Section Grand jury; publication of testimony prohibited; penalty, exceptions.
Section 767.19g Section Furnishing testimony of witness to person indicted by grand jury.
Section 767.20 Section Grand jury; examination of witnesses; advice on legal matters.
Section 767.21 Section Grand jury; prosecutor to subpoena witness.
Section 767.22 Section Grand jury; appearances to give information; deliberations or vote of grand jury.
Section 767.23 Section Grand jury; indictment, vote required; true bill.
Section 767.23a Section Grand jury; indictment; specifying county where offense took place.
Section 767.24 Section Indictment; crimes; "Theresa Flores's Law"; definitions; Brandon D'Annunzio's law; findings and filing; exceptions for victims under 18; extension or tolling.
Section 767.24.amended Section Indictment; crimes; "Theresa Flores's Law"; definitions; Brandon D'Annunzio's law; findings and filing; exceptions for victims under 18; extension or tolling; applicability of 2024 amendatory act.
Section 767.25 Section Indictment by grand jury; indorsement; presentment; return; filing; inspection.
Section 767.26 Section Discharge of accused in absence of indictment.
Section 767.27 Section Repealed. 1966, Act 266, Eff. Mar. 10, 1967.
Section 767.27a-767.27c Section Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Section 767.28 Section Indictment; right of indictee to copy.
Section 767.29 Section Discontinuance or abandonment of indictment.
Section 767.30 Section Warrant for arrest of indictee; issuance, persons.
Section 767.31 Section Warrant for arrest of indictee; persons to whom directed; place of execution.
Section 767.32 Section Subpoena; witness for defendant; issuance by county clerk, fee.
Section 767.33 Section Subpoena; witness for defendant; disobedience; penalty, civil liability.
Section 767.34 Section Witness; issuance of capias.
Section 767.35 Section Material witness in criminal case; danger of loss of testimony; requiring witness to enter into recognizance with surety; commitment to jail.
Section 767.36 Section Witness; subpoena by prosecution; necessity of fee.
Section 767.37 Section Indictee; plea on arraignment.
Section 767.37a Section Arraignments; use of 2-way interactive video technology; access to courtroom; court record.
Section 767.38 Section Indictee; right to trial or admission to bail.
Section 767.39 Section Abolition of distinction between accessory and principal.
Section 767.40 Section Information; filing; subscription.
Section 767.40a Section Attaching list of witnesses to filed information; disclosing names of res gestae witnesses; sending list to defendant or defendant's attorney; additions or deletions from list; request for assistance in locating and serving process on witness; objection to request; hearing; impeachment or cross-examination of witness.
Section 767.41 Section Inquiry by prosecuting attorney into preliminary examination; statement of reasons for not filing information; direction by court to file proper information.
Section 767.42 Section Preliminary examination as prerequisite to filing of information; remand where right waived without benefit of counsel; fugitives from justice.
Section 767.43 Section Indictment; form generally.
Section 767.44 Section Indictment; forms for particular offenses; bill of particulars.
Section 767.45 Section Contents of indictment or information; felony in which motor vehicle used.
Section 767.46 Section Indictment; amendment of certain parts.
Section 767.47 Section Indictment; effect of repugnant and unnecessary allegations.
Section 767.48 Section Indictment; necessity of negativing statutory exception.
Section 767.49 Section Indictment; statement of name of individual, association or corporation.
Section 767.50 Section Indictment; description of instrument.
Section 767.51 Section Indictment; allegation of time.
Section 767.52 Section Indictment; allegation of means of offense.
Section 767.53 Section Indictment; allegation of value or price.
Section 767.54 Section Indictment; ownership; allegation; proof.
Section 767.55 Section Indictment; allegation of certain matters in the alternative.
Section 767.56 Section Indictment; allegation of prior conviction.
Section 767.57 Section Pleading; statute or statutory right.
Section 767.58 Section Pleading; judgment or proceeding.
Section 767.59 Section Indictment; unnecessary formal words and phrases.
Section 767.60 Section Indictment; allegations in embezzlement, larceny and false pretense cases.
Section 767.61 Section Indictment; description of money, bonds, mortgage and similar instrument in offense relating thereto.
Section 767.61a Section Indictment; offense committed by sexually delinquent person; prosecution; expert testimony provided; examination of witnesses; testimony in open court; record; punishment.
Section 767.62 Section Place of indictment, trial and conviction; receiver of stolen property.
Section 767.63 Section Place of indictment; removal of stolen property from another county.
Section 767.64 Section Place and manner of indictment, conviction and punishment; removing stolen property from another state or country; prior conviction or acquittal.
Section 767.65 Section Place and manner of indictment; receiver of property stolen in another state or country.
Section 767.66 Section Place and manner of indictment; person aiding and abetting thief who removes stolen property from another state or country.
Section 767.67 Section Indictment; charging accessory without principal; substantial felony.
Section 767.68 Section Indictment; charge of jointly receiving or concealing stolen property; conviction of less than all indictees.
Section 767.69 Section Indictment for larceny; additional counts; conviction; election between counts unnecessary.
Section 767.70 Section Indictment for libel; statement of application to party libelled.
Section 767.71 Section Indictment for murder and manslaughter; charging act.
Section 767.72 Section Indictment for manslaughter; added count for abortion; admissibility of dying declaration under either count.
Section 767.73 Section Indictment; perjury; sufficiency of statement.
Section 767.74 Section Indictment; motion to quash; dilatory plea; proof.
Section 767.75 Section Indictment; certain defects; quashing not allowed; remedy.
Section 767.76 Section Indictment; time of objection to defect; amendment; discharge of jury; continuance of cause; double jeopardy; review of action by court.
Section 767.77 Section Commission to examine out-of-state witness; granting on application of defendant.
Section 767.78 Section Commission to examine out-of-state witness; interrogatories; reading of deposition.
Section 767.79 Section Conditional examination of witness for defendant; order; notice to prosecutor.
Section 767.80, 767.81 Section Repealed. 1970, Act 232, Imd. Eff. Dec. 3, 1970.
Section 767.82 Section Repealed. 1974, Act 266, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.
Section 767.83 Section Indictment involving intent to defraud; sufficiency of allegations and proof.
Section 767.91 Section Out of state witnesses; attendance; definitions.
Section 767.92 Section Attendance in another state; hearing; summons; custody; fee.
Section 767.93 Section Attendance from without the state; certificate; fee.
Section 767.94 Section Immunity of witness.
Section 767.94a Section Disclosure of certain material or information by defendant to prosecuting attorney; compliance; motion for good cause.
Section 767.95 Section Short title; uniformity.
Section 767.96 Section Costs of grand jury.