MCL - 234-1992-V

Act 234 of 1992
Article V

Document Type Description
Section 38.2501 Section Retirement allowance; requirements; application; form; retirement date; beginning payment.
Section 38.2501a Section Early retirement benefits act; system subject to regulation.
Section 38.2502 Section Vested former member; entitlement to deferred vested service retirement allowance; forfeiture.
Section 38.2503 Section Member or vested former member; payment of straight life retirement allowance; calculation; payment for lifetime of retirant; election of optional retirement allowance.
Section 38.2504 Section Plan 3 member; conversion of $2,250.00 of state salary standardization payment; exemptions; limitations; state base salary of probate court judge; deduction and transfer of contribution.
Section 38.2504a Section Plan 3 member; election; filing; manner; payment; definitions; applicability of section.
Section 38.2505 Section Salary standardization payment as wages for social security reporting purposes.
Section 38.2506 Section Election of straight life retirement allowance or optional retirement allowance.
Section 38.2507 Section Disability; determination by medical adviser; notice to appeal; determination by medical committee; refusal to submit to medical examination; payment.
Section 38.2508 Section Death of member with 8 or more years of credited service or of vested former member before retirement; payment of retirement allowance.
Section 38.2509 Section Hospital and medical-surgical and sick care benefits; payment of premiums.
Section 38.2510 Section Effective date of retirement before January 1, 1980; exception; supplement.
Section 38.2511 Section Effective date of retirement before January 1, 1980; supplement; minimum amount; retirant or beneficiary receiving annuity or allowance from another publicly supported system; former probate judges retirement system.
Section 38.2512 Section Supplemented retirement allowance.