MCL - Section 484.1401d
Act 32 of 1986
***** 484.1401d THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 126 OF 2021 EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 31, 2027 *****
484.1401d Billing and collection of emergency telephone technical charge; "local exchange provider" defined.
Sec. 401d.
(1) Each local exchange provider within a 9-1-1 service district shall provide a billing and collection service for an emergency telephone technical charge from all service users, except for users of a prepaid wireless telecommunications service, of the provider within the geographical boundaries of the emergency telephone or 9-1-1 service district. The billing and collection of the emergency telephone technical charge must begin as soon as feasible after the final 9-1-1 service plan has been approved. The billing and collection of the emergency telephone technical charge not already collected for billing costs shall begin as soon as feasible after installation and operation of the 9-1-1 system. The emergency telephone technical charge must be uniform per each exchange access facility within the 9-1-1 service district. The portion of the emergency telephone technical charge that represents start-up costs, nonrecurring billing, installation, service, and equipment charges of the service supplier, including the costs of updating equipment necessary for conversion to 9-1-1 service, must be amortized at the prime rate plus 1% over a period not to exceed 10 years and billed and collected from all service users only until those amounts are fully recouped by the service supplier. The prime rate to be used for amortization must be set before the first assessment of nonrecurring charges and remain at that rate for 5 years, at which time a new rate may be set for the remaining amortization period. Recurring costs and charges included in the emergency telephone technical charge must continue to be billed to the service user.
(2) Until 59 days after the effective date of the 2018 amendatory act that amended this section, the amount of the emergency telephone technical charge to be billed to the service user must be computed by dividing the total emergency telephone technical charge by the number of exchange access facilities within the 9-1-1 service district. Beginning 60 days after the effective date of the 2018 amendatory act that amended this section, the amount of the emergency telephone technical charge to be billed to the service user must be computed by dividing the total emergency telephone technical charge costs in all 9-1-1 service districts in this state by the number of exchange access facilities within all 9-1-1 service districts in this state.
(3) The amount of emergency telephone technical charge payable monthly by a service user for recurring costs and charges must not exceed 4% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the local exchange provider for primary basic local exchange service within the 9-1-1 service district. The amount of emergency telephone technical charge payable monthly by a service user for nonrecurring costs and charges must not exceed 5% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the provider for primary basic local exchange service within the 9-1-1 service district. The difference, if any, between the amount of the emergency telephone technical charge computed under subsection (2) and the maximum permitted under this section must be paid by the county from funds available to the county or through cooperative arrangements with public agencies within the 9-1-1 service district.
(4) The emergency telephone technical charge must be collected in accordance with the regular billings of the local exchange provider. The emergency telephone technical charge payable by service users under this act must be added to and stated separately in the billings to service users or otherwise disclosed to the consumer.
(5) As used in this section, "local exchange provider" means a provider of basic local exchange service as that term is defined in section 102 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2102.
History: Add. 2007, Act 164, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007
Am. 2012, Act 260, Eff. Jan. 1, 2013
Am. 2018, Act 51, Imd. Eff. Mar. 6, 2018
Popular Name: 9-1-1