MCL - 58-1998-6
Act 58 of 1998
Document | Type | Description |
Section 436.1601 | Section | Importation, sale, transportation, and delivery of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and mixed wine drink for sale by wholesaler; requirements; commission authority to inspect and seize or destroy. |
Section 436.1602 | Section | Termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or discontinuation of agreement; voidance. |
Section 436.1603 | Section | Interest in business of other vendor prohibited; placing stock in portfolio under arrangement, trust agreement, or investment trust agreement; issuance and sale of participating shares within state; prohibitions; sale of brandy and spirits by manufacturer or small distiller; conditions; sale by small distiller; interest of brewpub in other locations; interest in business of other supplier; approval pursuant to R 436.1023(3); interest of manufacturer in wholesaler prohibited; delivery of wine by wine maker to retail licensees prohibited; tiers; application of subsection (13); manufacturing of private label; definitions. |
Section 436.1605 | Section | Acquisition, development, sale, lease, financing, maintenance, operation, or promotion of real property occupied or to be occupied by another vendor; conditions; denial or approval of arrangement or contract; review; denial, revocation, or suspension of license; wholesaler as party to arrangement or contract prohibited; acquisition, development, sale, lease, financing, maintenance, operation, or promotion of condominium project or unit; exception. |
Section 436.1607 | Section | Eligibility for license as specially designated merchant or specially designated distributor; prohibitions; small distiller; wine maker and small wine maker; brewer as specially designated merchant; brewery hospitality room; sales or deliveries by wholesaler. |
Section 436.1608 | Section | Distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages; prohibited conduct by manufacturers; violation; civil fine; financial records. |
Section 436.1609 | Section | Aiding or assisting other vendor prohibited; exception; refunding amount of price reductions; providing licensee with advertising items; providing licensee with goods and services; approval by commission; sale of brand logoed items; possession and use of brand logoed barware; conditions for promotion of brand under R 436.1321(1) to (3); unauthorized providing or selling of barware; fine; on-premises brand promotional event; removal of merchandise; purchase and sale of brand logoed inventory by retailer holding off-premises license; adding or removing item by rule; definitions. |
Section 436.1609a | Section | Filing by manufacturer or wholesaler; schedule of net cash prices; beer package price; sale of beer at quantity discount prohibited; disclosure of filing under subsections (1) and (2); comparison of filing under subsections (1) and (2) with tax filing; inapplicability to a brewpub; filing of prices; prohibition on quantity discounts; reasons for regulation. |
Section 436.1609b | Section | Expenditure records for each call on retail licensee; drink purchase for promotional purposes; limitation. |
Section 436.1609c | Section | Beer, wine, or mixed spirit drink; refund or replacement; reasons. |
Section 436.1609d | Section | Specially designated distributor; refund to special licensee for unopened bottles. |
Section 436.1609e | Section | Providing of brand logoed tent or trailer or temporary platform to special licensee. |
Section 436.1609f | Section | Provision of technology to assist in sales, marketing, delivery, merchandising, or training; requirements. |
Section 436.1609g | Section | Sale of nonalcoholic products to retailer; applicability of act. |
Section 436.1609h | Section | Electronic rebate coupons. |
Section 436.1609i | Section | Commercially reasonable effort requirements to meet demands. |
Section 436.1609j | Section | Recall or removal of beer, wine, or mixed spirit drink products; notification requirements; destruction and reimbursement. |
Section 436.1610 | Section | Advertising; use of unpaid social media; supplier's assistance; requirements; definitions. |
Section 436.1610a | Section | Promotion of brands and prices of alcoholic liquor; signs; requirements. |
Section 436.1610b | Section | Temporary bin display. |
Section 436.1610c | Section | Certain equipment to special licensee; beer festival; limitations. |
Section 436.1610d | Section | Cooperative advertising; exceptions; instant rebate coupons; limitations; "cooperative advertising" defined. |
Section 436.1611 | Section | Refund or credit of tax paid on wine, mixed spirit drink, or beer; conditions; time limitation; form and contents of claim; supporting evidence; removal or destruction of damaged wine, beer, or mixed spirit drink; applicability of section; rebate of tax paid on wine or mixed spirit drink. |