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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 1995-1996
Detailed Category: Villages: general law
(5 results found)
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Document Type Description
HB 4306 of 1995 House Bill Villages; general law; 93-day imprisonment for certain ordinance violations; allow. Amends sec. 2, ch. VI of Act 3 of 1895 (MCL 66.2).
HB 4450 of 1995
(PA 211 of 1995)
House Bill Villages; general law; financing of pollution control projects; exempt assessments and contract obligations from debt limit. Amends sec. 26 of Act 278 of 1909 (MCL 78.26).
Last Action: assigned PA 0211'95
HB 5370 of 1995 House Bill Villages; general law; authority to adopt state law by reference; provide for. Amends sec. 4, ch. VI of Act 3 of 1895 (MCL 66.4).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government
HB 6115 of 1996 House Bill Villages; general law; reference to village assessor; delete. Amends secs. 1 & 4, ch. II & sec. 10, ch. VII of Act 3 of 1895 (MCL 62.1, et seq.) & repeals sec. 20, ch. IV of Act 3 of 1895 (MCL 64.20).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government
HB 6176 of 1996 House Bill Crimes; penalties; 93-day imprisonment for local ordinance violation; authorize. Amends sec. 2, ch. VI of Act 3 of 1895 (MCL 66.2).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights