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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2005-2006
Detailed Category: Economic development: brownfield redevelopment authority
(18 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0052 of 2005
(PA 0070 of 2006)
Senate Bill Economic development; other; renovations and additions; allow to qualify for tax credit. Amends sec. 2 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2782).
SB 0482 of 2005
(PA 0101 of 2005)
Senate Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; payment of financing costs; allow under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 2, 4, 13 & 15 of 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2652 et seq.).
SB 0599 of 2005
(PA 0113 of 2006)
Senate Bill Single business tax; credit; assignment of certain brownfield credits; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 35e. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4733'05, HB 4734'05
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0113'06
HB 4109 of 2005 House Bill Economic development; other; renovations and additions; allow to qualify for tax credit. Amends sec. 2 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2782).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/02/2005
HB 4479 of 2005 House Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; cities with certain abandoned landfills; include as eligible property. Amends sec. 2 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2782).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/10/2005
HB 4733 of 2005
(PA 111 of 2006)
House Bill Single business tax; credit; tax credits for certain projects; provide criteria. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 35c. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4734'05, SB 0599'05
Last Action: assigned PA 111'06 with immediate effect
HB 4734 of 2005
(PA 112 of 2006)
House Bill Single business tax; credit; qualification for certain projects; provide for. Amends sec. 38g of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4733'05, SB 0599'05
Last Action: assigned PA 112'06 with immediate effect
SB 1302 of 2006 Senate Bill Single business tax; credit; brownfield and historic preservation credits; provide for claiming of credits accrued after the repeal of the single business tax act. Amends secs. 38g & 39c of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g & 208.39c).
SB 1383 of 2006 Senate Bill Single business tax; credit; brownfield redevelopment credits; require to comply with corporate responsibility act in order to receive credit provision. Amends sec. 38g of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g).
HB 5990 of 2006 House Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; eligibility; expand. Amends sec. 2 of 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2652).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/26/2006
HB 5991 of 2006 House Bill Single business tax; credit; eligibility for brownfield single business tax credits; revise. Amends sec. 38g of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/26/2006
HB 6070 of 2006
(PA 224 of 2006)
House Bill Single business tax; credit; brownfield credit assignment; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 35e & repeals (See bill).
Last Action: assigned PA 224'06 with immediate effect
HB 6108 of 2006
(PA 667 of 2006)
House Bill Economic development; other; certain renovations; allow to qualify for tax credit. Amends sec. 8 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2788).
Last Action: assigned PA 667'06 with immediate effect 2006 ADDENDA
HB 6183 of 2006
(PA 240 of 2006)
House Bill Single business tax; credit; brownfield and historic preservation credits; provide for claiming of credits accrued after the repeal of the single business tax act. Amends secs. 38g, 39c & 71 of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 240'06 with immediate effect
HB 6303 of 2006
(PA 467 of 2006)
House Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; dates for capture; clarify. Amends sec. 13 of 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2663).
Last Action: assigned PA 467'06 with immediate effect
HB 6326 of 2006 House Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; business ineligibility for violations of the employee retirement income security act (ERISA); provide for. Amends secs. 2 & 13 of 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2652 & 125.2663).
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/10/2006
HB 6342 of 2006 House Bill Single business tax; credit; brownfield redevelopment credits; require to comply with corporate responsibility act in order to receive credit provision. Amends sec. 38g of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38g).
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/10/2006
HB 6635 of 2006 House Bill Economic development; brownfield redevelopment authority; notification to certain taxing units by certified mail; provide for. Amends secs. 4 & 13 of 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2654 & 125.2663).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/15/2006