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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2017-2018
Detailed Category: Environmental protection: cleanups
(13 results found)
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Document Type Description
HB 4123 of 2017 House Bill Environmental protection; cleanups; cleanup to residential and safe drinking water standards; require unless technically infeasible. Amends secs. 20118, 20120a, 20120b, 20120e & 20121 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.20118 et seq.).
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 01/31/2017
HB 4572 of 2017 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; pipelines used to transport crude oil or petroleum; provide regulatory oversight. Amends sec. 3106 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3106) & adds sec. 32517 & pt. 168. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4570'17, HB 4571'17
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 05/02/2017
SB 0943 of 2018 Senate Bill Environmental protection; funding; landfill tipping fee; increase, and provide for use of revenue. Amends secs. 11509, 11512, 11521, 11525, 11525a & 11550 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11509 et seq.).
SB 1244 of 2018
(PA 581 of 2018)
Senate Bill Environmental protection; cleanups; cleanup criteria for hazardous substance; modify. Amends secs. 20101, 20114d, 20114e, 20120a & 20120b of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.20101 et seq.) & adds sec. 20120f.
HB 6201 of 2018 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; requirements for spill reporting and prevention response plans from straits gas or oil pipelines; modify, and provide penalties for releases of gas or oil into waters of the state. Amends secs. 3101, 3103, 3111b & 3115 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3101 et seq.) & adds secs. 3111c, 3111d, 3111e, 3115b & 3135.
HB 6242 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; clean Michigan initiative; reauthorize issuance of general obligation bonds. Creates new act.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6243 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; clean Michigan initiative reauthorization funds; provide for distribution and allocation. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 198 & secs. 19801, 19802, 19803, 19804 & 19805. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6244'18, HB 6245'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6244 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; clean Michigan initiative reauthorization funds; provide for distribution and allocation. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding secs. 19806 & 19807. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6245'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6245 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; clean Michigan initiative reauthorization funds; provide for distribution and allocation. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding secs. 5207, 5208, 19808, 19809, 19810, 19811, 19812, 19813, 19814 & 19815. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6244'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6246 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; lead-safe homes fund; establish. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 5474d. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6244'18, HB 6245'18, HB 6247'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6247 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; abatement of lead-based hazards; provide for. Amends secs. 5453, 5454, 5456, 5457, 5458, 5459, 5474 & 5474b of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.5453 et seq.) & repeals sec. 5474b of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.5474b[1]). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6244'18, HB 6245'18, HB 6246'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6248 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; lead abatement fund; establish. Amends 1976 PA 399 (MCL 325.1001 - 325.1023) by adding sec. 11e. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6244'18, HB 6245'18, HB 6249'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018
HB 6249 of 2018 House Bill Environmental protection; funding; lead abatement grant program; establish. Amends 1976 PA 399 (MCL 325.1001 - 325.1023) by adding sec. 11f. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6243'18, HB 6244'18, HB 6245'18, HB 6248'18
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018