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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Environmental protection: permits
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Environmental protection: permits
(23 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0109 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection: air pollution; impact study and consideration of cumulative pollution levels; require for issuance of air quality permits in certain locations. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5506b. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY |
SB 0228 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Natural resources: shorelands; permit requirement for certain activities along the Great Lakes shoreline above the statutory ordinary high-water mark; exempt. Amends secs. 32311, 32312 & 32512 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.32311 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY |
SB 0439 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; denial or imposition of additional conditions on; provide for when projects are located in environmentally overburdened communities. Amend secs. 1301 & 1305 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1301 & 324.1305) by designating secs. 1301 to 1319 as subpt. 1 of pt. 13, & adds subpt. 2 to pt. 13. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY |
SB 0752 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Highways: construction and repair; green infrastructure permit program; create and require for highway infrastructure projects. Amends 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.651 - 247.675) by adding sec. 1k. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE |
SB 0773 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection: air pollution; reduction of air emissions during certain months; require. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5506a. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0772'21 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY |
HB 4205 of 2021 (PA 55 of 2022) |
House Bill |
Vehicles: snowmobiles; 1 weekend a season waiver to operate a snowmobile on snowmobile trails in Michigan; provide for. Amends sec. 82103 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82103). Last Action: assigned PA 55'22 with immediate effect |
HB 4206 of 2021 (PA 56 of 2022) |
House Bill |
Vehicles: snowmobiles; snowmobile trail permit; provide a 1 weekend per season waiver. Amends sec. 82118 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82118). Last Action: assigned PA 56'22 with immediate effect |
HB 4280 of 2021 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: air pollution; impact study and consideration of cumulative pollution levels; require for issuance of air quality permits in certain locations. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.201 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5506b. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/23/2021 |
HB 4777 of 2021 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; denial or imposition of additional conditions on; provide for when projects are located in environmentally overburdened communities. Amends secs. 1301 & 1305 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1301 &324.1305); designate secs. 1301 & 1319 as subpt. 1 of pt. 13 & adds subpt. 2 to pt. 13. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 05/04/2021 |
HB 4980 of 2021 (PA 75 of 2021) |
House Bill |
Traffic control: speed restrictions; drag racing; make prohibition of inapplicable to scramble area at Silver Lake State Park. Amends sec. 626a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.626a). Last Action: assigned PA 75'21 with immediate effect |
HB 5000 of 2021 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: funding; stormwater discharge fees; modify. Amends sec. 3118 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3118). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/15/2021 |
HB 5001 of 2021 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: funding; facility discharge permit fees; modify. Amends sec. 3120 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3120). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/15/2021 |
HB 5005 of 2021 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: funding; permits fees for certain project under NREPA; modify. Amends secs. 30104, 30109, 30306, 30306b, 30313b, 31509, 32312, 32513, 33911 & 33929 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.30104 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/15/2021 |
HB 5579 of 2021 | House Bill |
Highways: construction and repair; green infrastructure permit program; create and require for highway infrastructure projects. Amends 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.651 - 247.675) by adding sec. 1k. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 11/30/2021 |
SB 1146 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; permit for air emissions near dwellings and other specified uses; require permittee to install vegetative buffer and to offer to purchase the dwellings. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5506b. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY |
SB 1232 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; challenge to permit decision made by the department of environment, Great Lakes, and energy; prohibit. Amends secs. 63205, 63209 & 63219 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.63205 et seq.) & adds secs. 63102 & 63102b. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES |
HB 6232 of 2022 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; performance bond; require. Amends sec. 1301 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1301) & adds sec. 1321. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/15/2022 |
HB 6256 of 2022 | House Bill |
Natural resources: mining; nonferrous metallic mineral mining; incorporate NREPA part 13 standards for issuance of a permit. Amends secs. 63205 & 63207 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.63205 & 324.63207). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6251'22 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/21/2022 |
HB 6313 of 2022 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; expansion of hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities; prohibit issuance of permits for. Amends secs. 11123 & 11124 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11123 & 324.11124). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6388 of 2022 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; challenge to permit decision made by the department of environment, Great Lakes, and energy; prohibit. Amends secs. 63205, 63209 & 63219 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.63205 et seq.) & adds secs. 63102 & 63102b. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/22/2022 |
HB 6420 of 2022 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; permit for air emissions near dwellings and other specified uses; require permittee to install vegetative buffer and to offer to purchase the dwellings. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5506b. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/22/2022 |
HB 6548 of 2022 | House Bill |
Administrative procedure: contested cases; contested cases under the administrative procedures act; make subject to NREPA procedures for mining permit contested cases. Amends sec. 88 of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.288). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6388'22, SB 1232'22, HB 6388'22 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/06/2022 |
HB 6550 of 2022 | House Bill |
Environmental protection: permits; timeframe to approve a permit application; modify. Amends secs. 3120 & 3122 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3120 & 324.3122). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/07/2022 |