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Public Act Number: 161
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
(18 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 333.16337 Section Physician's assistant; fees.
Section 333.17001 Section Definitions; principles of construction.
Section 333.17008 Section Physician's assistant; health profession subfield.
Section 333.17025 Section Joint task force; creation; membership.
Section 333.17074 Section Prohibited undertakings, representations, and services by physician's assistant; permissible services.
Section 333.17078 Section Physician's assistant; conformance to minimal standards of practice.
Section 333.17501 Section Definitions; principles of construction.
Section 333.17508 Section Physician's assistant; health profession subfield.
Section 333.18001 Section Definitions; principles of construction.
Section 333.18008 Section Physician's assistant; health profession subfield.
Section 333.18011 Section Practice of podiatric medicine and surgery or as physician's assistant; license or authorization required; use of words, titles, or letters.
Section 333.18021 Section Michigan board of podiatric medicine and surgery; creation; membership; terms.
Section 333.18048 Section Prohibiting or restricting delegation of medical care service; requiring higher levels of supervision.
Section 333.18049 Section Practice agreement; designation of podiatrist; countersigning order or signing official form not required.
Section 333.18050 Section Prohibiting podiatrist or physician's assistant from entering practice agreement; grounds; rules concerning prescribing of drugs.
Section 333.18054 Section Approval of physician's assistants and valuation of training programs; criteria.
Section 333.18056 Section Applicability of part to student in training.
Section 333.18058 Section Third party reimbursement or worker's compensation benefits not required.