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Public Act Number: 213
Public Act Year: 1998
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 38.1343c Section Entitlements.
Section 38.1385 Section Payment options; election; change of option or beneficiary; payment to beneficiary; reversion of benefit to straight retirement allowance; term of payment; beneficiary predeceasing retirant who returns to service; effect of election of retirant's divorce from spouse designated as beneficiary; payment of difference between accumulated contributions and aggregate amount of retirement allowance payments; change of beneficiary; optional form of benefit payment; limitation; termination.
Section 38.1404a Section Determining rate of investment return on retirement system assets and present value of retirement allowances; calculation and reduction of distribution income; crediting distribution units to retirant or retirement allowance beneficiary; calculation and payment of distribution amount; increase in retirement allowance; computation of cumulative increase amount; supplemental payment; increase in retirement allowance effective before October 1, 1981; increase in retirement allowance effective on or before January 1, 1987.
Section 38.1408 Section Administration of retirement system as qualified pension plan created in trust under internal revenue code; requirements and benefit limitations; qualified military service.