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Public Act Number: 214
Public Act Year: 2018
Document Type(s): MCLs
(9 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 780.983 Section Definitions.
Section 780.985 Section Michigan indigent defense commission; establishment; powers and duties; functions; delivery of services; minimum standards; final department action; judicial review; best practices; performance metrics; annual report.
Section 780.987 Section MIDC; membership; terms; appointment by governor; qualifications; staggered terms; vacancy; chairperson; compensation; removal; quorum; official action; confidential case information; exemption from freedom of information act.
Section 780.989 Section MIDC; authority and duties; establishment of minimum standards, rules, and procedures; manual.
Section 780.991 Section MIDC; establishment of minimum standards, rules, and procedures; principles; application for, and appointment of, indigent criminal defense services; requirements; partially indigent; objective standards.
Section 780.993 Section Investigation, audit, and review of indigent criminal defense services; cooperation and participation with MIDC; development of plan and cost analysis; award of grant; submission of plan; annual plan; approval or disapproval of plan and cost analysis by MIDC; report; maintenance of local share; necessity for excess funding; appropriation of additional funds; grants to local units of government; compliance with minimum standards; zero grant; funds received by MIDC as state funds; financial protocols; unexpended grant funds; reimbursement.
Section 780.995 Section Dispute between MIDC and indigent criminal defense system.
Section 780.997 Section Duty of compliance with approved plan.
Section 780.1002 Section Michigan indigent defense fund; creation; administration; purpose.