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Public Act Number: 278
Public Act Year: 2000
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2000
Document Type(s): MCLs
(12 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Section 324.32601 | Section | Definitions. |
Section 324.32602 | Section | Submerged logs; reservation of ownership rights. |
Section 324.32603 | Section | Removal of submerged logs from bottomlands, patented lands, or underwater preserves; permit. |
Section 324.32604 | Section | Application for submerged log removal permit; submission; form; information; time period for submission; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.32605 | Section | Receipt of completed application; review by department; issuance of permit; conditions. |
Section 324.32606 | Section | Department review of application; issuance; limitation; time period for making decision; conditions; notification of approval or denial; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.32607 | Section | Submerged log removal permit; overlaps; expiration; transfer; bond; termination; "bond" defined. |
Section 324.32608 | Section | Application for submerged log removal permit; hearing. |
Section 324.32609 | Section | Sawlog stumpage value; reservation of payments; "sawlog stumpage value" defined; report and payments due; disposition of payments; overdue payment. |
Section 324.32612 | Section | Violation; civil action; remedies; civil fine. |
Section 324.32613 | Section | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties. |
Section 324.32615 | Section | Rules. |