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Public Act Number: 300
Public Act Year: 2010
Document Type(s): MCLs
(7 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 198 of 2003 Statute FARM PRODUCE INSURANCE ACT (285.311 - 285.331)
Section 285.313 Section Definitions.
Section 285.317 Section Board of directors; membership; terms; vacancy; quorum; meetings; notice; waiver of objection; duties; powers; compensation; inspection of books and records; confidentiality; disclosure.
Section 285.319 Section Farm produce insurance fund; establishment; payments; allocation for administrative expenses; payment for legal services and expenses; investments; compliance review of investment portfolio; audit; establishment of fiscal year; "financial institution" defined.
Section 285.325 Section Claim for reimbursement.
Section 285.327 Section Use of money; severability; audit.
Section 285.331 Section Conduct as misdemeanor; penalties; enforcement action; costs and expenses.