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Public Act Number: 430
Public Act Year: 2012
Document Type(s): MCLs
(12 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 18.1115 Section Definitions; I to U.
Section 18.1221 Section Rentals and leases; approval; notification; easements; determination of market rental values; building occupancy rates.
Section 18.1221a Section Reports; section ineffective after March 31, 2015; "project" defined.
Section 18.1237a Section Community college and university capital outlay projects.
Section 18.1238 Section Universities and community colleges; report.
Section 18.1241 Section Contract for construction, repair, remodeling, or demolition of facility; bidding procedure; award; expenditure; director as agent; preference to qualified disabled veteran; responsive and responsible best value bidder; definition.
Section 18.1242 Section Development of 5-year capital outlay plans; review; priorities; program statements and schematic planning documents; authorization of project for final design and construction; submission of bid results summary to JCOS; oversight; appropriation not considered as commitment.
Section 18.1242a Section Annual review.
Section 18.1246 Section Release of allocations; approval; total authorized cost or sufficient appropriation; establishment or revision.
Section 18.1248 Section Applicability of section; capital outlay project; carrying forward prior authorized projects; continuation or lapse of balance; termination of project; continuation of project beyond limits in section; conditions; carrying forward grant or grant-in-aid.
Section 18.1249 Section Matching revenues.
Section 18.1393 Section Administrative transfers of appropriations within department; purpose; notice; prohibited adjustments; approval or disapproval.