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Public Act Number: 481
Public Act Year: 2014
Document Type(s): MCLs
(3 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 29.19 Section Fire drills in schools and school dormitories; unrestricted emergency egress; compliance; record; minimum drills; weather conditions; tornado safety drills; location of drills; security measures; drills during lunch or recess periods; documentation of completed school safety drill; posting on website; list of scheduled drill days; limitation; protective apparatus or equipment; development of model; cardiac emergency response plan; definitions.
Section 29.19.amended Section Fire drills in schools and school dormitories; unrestricted emergency egress; compliance; record; minimum drills; weather conditions; tornado safety drills; location of drills; security measures; drills during lunch or recess periods; documentation of completed school safety drill; posting on website; list of scheduled drill days; limitation; protective apparatus or equipment; development of model; cardiac emergency response plan; definitions.
Section 29.19a Section Fire drill procedures; training of instructional staff of postsecondary educational institution; unrestricted emergency egress; fire drills; record; statement certifying compliance; violation; penalty; report; definitions.