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Public Act Number: 51
Public Act Year: 2004
Document Type(s): MCLs
(2 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 380.1535a Section Conviction of person holding teaching certificate for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension of teaching certificate; summary suspension; findings for action under subsection (1) or (2); compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of teaching certificate; effect of reversal of conviction on final appeal; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to make final decision and order; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; definitions.
Section 380.1539b Section Conviction of person holding board approval for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension; summary suspension; compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of state board approval; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to complete hearing procedures; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; automated program; definitions.