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Public Act Number: 53
Public Act Year: 2016
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 141.1632 Section Legislative findings and declarations.
Section 141.1633 Section Definitions.
Section 141.1634 Section Financial review commission; creation; powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities; budgeting, procurement, personnel, and related management functions; qualified school district.
Section 141.1635 Section Financial review commission; membership; financial review commission for both qualified city and qualified school district; exception; terms; compensation; travel and expenses; chairperson; quorum; conducting business at public meetings; writings subject to freedom of information act; bylaws; professional services; members and contractors or agents subject to MCL 15.321 to 15.330 and MCL 15.301 to 15.310; adoption of ethics policy; oath of office.
Section 141.1636 Section Duties of commission; review and approval of applicable contracts; reports; approval of collective bargaining agreements; supplementary information; certification and report of debt service.
Section 141.1637 Section Commission; powers.
Section 141.1638 Section Waiver; resolution; conditions; rescission; reversal.
Section 141.1642 Section Dissolution; release of qualified city or qualified school district from oversight; qualified school district subject to emergency manager.