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Public Act Number: 538
Public Act Year: 2004
Document Type(s): MCLs
(5 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 600.2567 Section Register of deeds; fees.
Section 600.3140 Section Mortgage foreclosure sale; redemption; amount stated in recorded affidavit; fee; portions of premises.
Section 600.3240 Section Redemption of premises; payment; amount; redemption of senior lien; defenses; recordation; redemption periods; amount stated in recorded affidavit; county having population of more than 750,000 and less than 1,500,000; limitation on amount charged by register of deeds; use of property for agricultural purposes; presumption.
Section 600.6062 Section Redemption of real estate; time; persons entitled to make; effect on sale and certificate; amount stated in recorded affidavit.
Section 600.6066 Section Acquisition of interest of original purchaser; transfer of title; automation fund.