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Public Act Number: 558
Public Act Year: 2014
Document Type(s): MCLs
(5 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 169 of 1965 Statute DISSOLUTION OF CHARITABLE PURPOSE CORPORATIONS ACT (450.251 - 450.253)
Section 450.251 Section Charitable purpose corporations; prohibited conduct; compliance with subsection (2); merger, conversion, or dissolution; notice and documents to attorney general; court proceedings; consent to dissolution by attorney general.
Section 450.251a Section Short title of act.
Section 450.252 Section Acceptance of certain certificates and amendments by department of licensing and regulatory affairs; issuance of certificate of withdrawal.
Section 450.252a Section Consent by attorney general; failure to provide written notice under subsection (1); submission of affidavit; judicial review of refusal of attorney general to consent to transaction.