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Public Act Number: 62
Public Act Year: 2001
Document Type(s): MCLs
(11 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 540 of 1982 Statute LIBRARY OF MICHIGAN ACT (397.11 - 397.24)
Section 397.12 Section Definitions.
Section 397.13 Section Library of Michigan; creation.
Section 397.14 Section Library board of trustees; creation; duties; meetings; membership; terms; rules; election of chairperson and vice-chairperson; expenses; state librarian as secretary of board.
Section 397.15 Section Appointment of state librarian.
Section 397.16 Section State librarian; duties; coordination of library activities with department director; qualifications of state librarian and assistant state librarian.
Section 397.17 Section Employment of assistants and other employees; transfer to department; exception.
Section 397.20 Section Duties of library; maintenance and ownership of website by legislative council.
Section 397.20a Section Rules.
Section 397.21 Section Annual report of state librarian.
Section 397.22[1] Section Transfer and control of appropriation.