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Public Act Number: 76
Public Act Year: 2009
Document Type(s): MCLs
(10 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 173 of 1987 Statute MORTGAGE BROKERS, LENDERS, AND SERVICERS LICENSING ACT (445.1651 - 445.1684)
Section 445.1651a Section Definitions.
Section 445.1652 Section Mortgage broker, mortgage lender, or mortgage servicer; license or registration required; exemption; application; compensation or other remuneration; words contained in name or assumed name; "employee" defined.
Section 445.1658 Section Payment for investigation and annual operating fees; establishment of annual fee schedule; limitation; fees nonrefundable; action for delinquent payment; licensee or registrant report; penalties; establishment and administration of MBLSLA fund; basis for setting operating fee.
Section 445.1660 Section Surrender, revocation, or suspension of license or registration; loss or destruction; affidavit.
Section 445.1661 Section Powers of commissioner generally.
Section 445.1662 Section Notice of intention to enter order of license or registration, suspension or revocation, or refusal to issue license; hearing; final order.
Section 445.1664 Section Provisions applicable to investigation.
Section 445.1679 Section Prohibited conduct; misdemeanor; penalty; violation of act or rules; civil fine; suspension or revocation of license or registration; refusal to issue or renew license or registration; restitution; proceedings subject to MCL 24.201 to 24.328; bona fide error.
Section 445.1683 Section Mortgage industry advisory board; creation; requirements; communication of issues to commissioner; recommendations.