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Public Act Number: 8
Public Act Year: 1999
Document Type(s): MCLs
(53 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 18.1113 Section Definitions; C to E.
Section 18.1115 Section Definitions; I to U.
Section 18.1131 Section Administrative and procedural directives; rules.
Section 18.1203 Section State automated information processing installations and telecommunications projects and services.
Section 18.1204 Section Standardized risk management policies, practices, and procedures; development and implementation; review, approval, and administration of risk management related programs; insurance or related services; self-insurance options.
Section 18.1205 Section Additional definitions.
Section 18.1217 Section Directives relative to travel and expenses of officers and unclassified employees of state agencies; approval; meetings of state agencies; travel report.
Section 18.1219 Section Directives for management, operation, maintenance, security, and repair of state-owned facilities; determination of space utilization standards; assignment of space in state capitol building and buildings under jurisdiction of legislature; prohibition; management and operation of state capitol building and grounds of Michigan state capitol historic site; definitions.
Section 18.1221 Section Rentals and leases; approval; notification; easements; determination of market rental values; building occupancy rates.
Section 18.1237 Section Acquisition, construction, lease purchase, improvement, or demolition of facilities; studies, designs, plans, specifications, and contract documents; employment and duties of architects and professional engineers; quality control; independent testing services; final approval; review by attorney general.
Section 18.1237a Section Community college and university capital outlay projects.
Section 18.1241 Section Contract for construction, repair, remodeling, or demolition of facility; bidding procedure; award; expenditure; director as agent; preference to qualified disabled veteran; responsive and responsible best value bidder; definition.
Section 18.1242 Section Development of 5-year capital outlay plans; review; priorities; program statements and schematic planning documents; authorization of project for final design and construction; submission of bid results summary to JCOS; oversight; appropriation not considered as commitment.
Section 18.1246 Section Release of allocations; approval; total authorized cost or sufficient appropriation; establishment or revision.
Section 18.1248 Section Applicability of section; capital outlay project; carrying forward prior authorized projects; continuation or lapse of balance; termination of project; continuation of project beyond limits in section; conditions; carrying forward grant or grant-in-aid.
Section 18.1251 Section Applicability of section to real property of state; development and maintenance of real property records and facility inventories; award of service contracts; employment of land surveyors; directives for disposition of surplus facilities and lands.
Section 18.1267 Section Personal property of state agencies; directives for disclosure, transfer, and disposal; sale at fair market value; payment of costs or assessment of handling fee; sale of surplus snow removal equipment or surplus road construction or maintenance equipment; "local road agencies" defined.
Section 18.1281a Section Personal service contracts; report.
Section 18.1303 Section Definitions; D to P.
Section 18.1305 Section Definitions; T, U.
Section 18.1342 Section Economic analysis, revenue estimating, and monitoring activity.
Section 18.1344 Section Annual proposals; review of auditor general's audits; state debt; costs of capital outlay projects.
Section 18.1350 Section State spending paid to units of local government; refunds or other repayments.
Section 18.1350a Section Additional definitions.
Section 18.1350e Section Report.
Section 18.1352 Section Transfer of funds based on annual growth rate; formula.
Section 18.1354 Section Executive budget and appropriations bill; estimate of transfer into or out of fund; installments.
Section 18.1355 Section Adjustment of transfer into or out of fund; condition; adjustment of appropriation from fund.
Section 18.1356 Section Balance in fund; rebate of excess.
Section 18.1363 Section Transmittal of budget to members of legislature and fiscal agencies; line-item appropriation detail; computer software application; 2-year budget report; required contents; strategic plan; 5 years; contents.
Section 18.1367 Section Transmittal of executive budget bills to members of legislature and fiscal agencies; contents of executive budget bill and enacted budget bill.
Section 18.1367b Section Revenue estimating conference; principals; forecasts.
Section 18.1367f Section Convening conference upon request of principal.
Section 18.1371 Section Expenditure or obligation exceeding gross appropriation level prohibited; responsibility for exceeding appropriation; report of violation and statement of action taken; division of appropriation into allotments; spending plan; review of allotments; report; remedies to maintain level of program service.
Section 18.1372 Section Adjustment of allotments; withholding payment; limitation on payments; open-end appropriations; reduction or adjustment of allotments; report of action taken; directives for allotment of appropriations.
Section 18.1384 Section Application for federal financial assistance; notification; form; contents; notice of award, rejection, revision, or deferment of application; report of availability and proposed allocation of grant funds; condition to commitment of grant funds; report.
Section 18.1386 Section Monthly financial reports; preparation; transmittal; contents.
Section 18.1393 Section Administrative transfers of appropriations within department; purpose; notice; prohibited adjustments; approval or disapproval.
Section 18.1396 Section Paying or recording certain expenditures from appropriations; notice of certain settlements or consent judgments; report.
Section 18.1404 Section Definitions; R to W.
Section 18.1430 Section Capped federal funds, special revenue funds, and healthy Michigan fund; report on amounts and sources.
Section 18.1434 Section Crediting certain revenues to revolving fund; financial plan; report.
Section 18.1443 Section Money received by state agencies; forwarding to state treasurer; crediting to general fund; limitation on transfers.
Section 18.1451 Section Lapse of unencumbered balance of appropriation; unascertainable documents; charging encumbrance to next succeeding fiscal year.
Section 18.1451a Section Work projects.
Section 18.1454 Section Appropriation of full-time equated positions; basis; report on status of FTE positions; report containing fiscal year summary of information required in subsection (2).
Section 18.1461 Section Audit pursuant to federal law; single audits; conduct; funding; encumbering amounts to finance cost of audits; carrying over unexpended amounts; schedule of expenditures of federal awards.
Section 18.1462 Section Plan to comply with audit recommendations; corrective action plans.
Section 18.1484 Section System of reporting and general framework to be used in evaluations of internal control systems; development; modification; notice.
Section 18.1485 Section Internal control system; establishment and maintenance; elements; duties of head of principal department; reports.
Section 18.1486 Section Internal auditor; appointment; member of state classified executive service; supervision; protection; duties; professional and auditing standards; report.
Section 18.1492 Section Including financial statements in comprehensive annual financial report; responsibility; statement format; audit; submission of statements.
Section 18.1493 Section Preliminary, unaudited financial statements including notes of general fund and state school aid fund; submission to legislature and fiscal agency.