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Public Act Number: 90
Public Act Year: 2017
Document Type(s): MCLs
(6 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 324.3110 Section Waste treatment facilities of industrial or commercial entity; exception; examination and certification of supervisory personnel; training program; fees; failure to pay fee; continuing education programs; reports; false statement; applicability of section.
Section 324.4104 Section Sewerage systems; rules; classification of sewage treatment works; examinations; issuance and revocation of certificates; supervision by certified operator; training program for certified operator; fees.
Section 324.11135 Section Manifest; submission of copy to department; certification; specified destination; determining status of specified waste; exception report; retention period for copy of manifest; extension.
Section 324.11153 Section Site identification number; user charges; violations; maintenance of information; summary of findings; report; definitions.
Section 324.12109 Section Liquid industrial by-product transporter; delivery; retention of records; use of consolidated shipping document; issuance of site identification number.
Section 324.12112 Section Facility accepting liquid industrial by-product; duties of owner or operator; report.