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Public Act Number: 92
Public Act Year: 2004
Document Type(s): MCLs
(21 results found)
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Section 168.18 Section Definitions.
Section 168.73 Section Offices of lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and attorney general; nominees; list.
Section 168.283 Section Candidates for state board of education and boards of state universities; canvass by state central committee of each political party; list.
Section 168.393 Section Candidates for justice of supreme court; canvass by state central committee of each political party.
Section 168.499 Section Registration of elector; registration application; oaths; interpreter; false material statement as misdemeanor; accepting fee as misdemeanor; voter identification card; effect of voter identification card returned to post office.
Section 168.509m Section Purpose of MCL 168.509m to 168.509ii; definitions.
Section 168.509n Section Secretary of state; duties.
Section 168.509t Section Person considered registered voter; persons required to vote in person; exceptions; prosecution not precluded in state.
Section 168.509aa Section Updating registration upon receipt of certain information; duties of clerk; instruction by clerk to challenge elector; cancellation of registration; notice that registered elector has moved out of state.
Section 168.523a Section Individual not listed on voter registration list; issuance of ballot; procedure.
Section 168.662 Section Designating place of holding election in municipality; polling places and early voting sites; central polling places; abolishment; compliance with voting accessibility; notice.
Section 168.727 Section Challenge; duty of election inspector; indiscriminate challenge; penalty.
Section 168.735 Section Poll book and poll list; contents.
Section 168.795 Section Electronic voting system; requirements; method for rendering electronic tabulating equipment inoperable; equipping each polling place with accessible voting device.
Section 168.798c Section Casting absentee votes on paper ballots or ballot cards; count; recording; voting and processing absent voters' ballots; inspection of rejected ballot.
Section 168.799a Section Recounting punched, marked, or stamped ballot; procedure; stray marks; releasing sealed materials.
Section 168.803 Section Counting and recounting of votes; intent of voter; stray marks; instructions issued by secretary of state.
Section 168.813 Section Provisional ballot; tabulation; report.
Section 168.829 Section County provisional ballot report; county affidavit report; voter registration application report.
Section 168.842 Section Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns.
Section 168.842.amended Section Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns.