MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/11/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

Search Results

Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2011-2012
Detailed Category: State agencies (existing): state police
(28 results found)
Document Type Description
SB 0296 of 2011 Senate Bill Insurance; no-fault; theft prevention authority; expand to include insurance fraud and house within automobile insurance placement facility. Amends title, heading of ch. 61 & secs. 3301, 3330, 4501, 6101, 6105, 6107 & 6110 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3301 et seq.); adds secs. 6104, 6104a, 6104b & 6108 & repeals secs. 6103 & 6111 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.6103 & 500.6111).
SB 0464 of 2011
(PA 0175 of 2012)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; other; development of investigative protocols and abuse and neglect interview protocols for vulnerable adults; require by certain agencies. Amends sec. 11b of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.11b).
SB 0522 of 2011
(PA 0199 of 2011)
Senate Bill Law enforcement; law enforcement information network (LEIN); access to law enforcement information network (LEIN) by department of human services; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 4 of 1974 PA 163 (MCL 28.214). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4721'11
SB 0630 of 2011
(PA 0547 of 2012)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; probation; retention and release of nonpublic records of an arrest, diversion, discharge, or dismissal of certain controlled substance cases; clarify. Amends sec. 1076 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.1076).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0547'12 2012 ADDENDA
SB 0631 of 2011
(PA 0548 of 2012)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; probation; procedures for retention and use of nonpublic record of deferral for crime of taking or retaining child; revise, and limit number of deferral opportunities. Amends sec. 350a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.350a).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0548'12 2012 ADDENDA
SB 0632 of 2011
(PA 0549 of 2012)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; probation; procedures for retention and use of nonpublic record of deferral for a controlled substance violation; revise. Amends sec. 7411 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7411).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0549'12 2012 ADDENDA
SB 0633 of 2011
(PA 0550 of 2012)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; probation; retention of nonpublic records during period of diversion for certain crimes; clarify. Amends sec. 4a, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.4a).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0550'12 2012 ADDENDA
SB 0787 of 2011
(PA 0051 of 2012)
Senate Bill Health facilities; licensing; criminal records check through the federal bureau of investigation for home for the aged employees; clarify. Amends sec. 21313 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21313).
SB 0788 of 2011
(PA 0052 of 2012)
Senate Bill Human services; adult foster care; criminal records check through the federal bureau of investigation under adult foster care facility licensing act; clarify. Amends sec. 13 of 1979 PA 218 (MCL 400.713).
HB 4011 of 2011 House Bill Local government; other; fingerprinting of applicants or licensees in certain occupations for the purpose of receiving state and national criminal history record information; allow. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4549 of 2011 House Bill Transportation; school vehicles; school district inspection of school buses; revise. Amends secs. 39, 41 & 43 of 1990 PA 187 (MCL 257.1839 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2011
HB 4550 of 2011 House Bill Transportation; school vehicles; inspections of school buses; revise. Amends sec. 715a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.715a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2011
HB 4664 of 2011 House Bill Human services; adult foster care; cost of criminal history check; require adult foster care facility to pay. Amends sec. 34b of 1979 PA 218 (MCL 400.734b).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/19/2011
HB 4665 of 2011 House Bill Health facilities; homes for the aged; cost of criminal history check; require home for the aged to pay. Amends sec. 20173a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20173a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/19/2011
HB 4721 of 2011
(PA 198 of 2011)
House Bill Human services; other; information sharing between human services and state police; provide for. Amends secs. 10a & 10b of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.10a & 400.10b) & adds sec. 10c.
Last Action: assigned PA 198'11 with immediate effect
HB 4787 of 2011
(PA 146 of 2011)
House Bill Communications; other; funding for the public safety communications system; provide for. Amends sec. 408 of 1986 PA 32 (MCL 484.1408).
Last Action: assigned PA 146'11 with immediate effect
SB 0930 of 2012
(PA 0188 of 2012)
Senate Bill Taxation; tobacco; tax administration, enforcement, and distribution; modify. Amends title & secs. 2, 5a, 6a, 7 & 12 of 1993 PA 327 (MCL 205.422 et seq.).
SB 1056 of 2012
(PA 0374 of 2012)
Senate Bill Law enforcement; fingerprinting; criminal identification and records; expand to include biometric data. Amends secs. 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a & 8 of 1925 PA 289 (MCL 28.241a et seq.).
HB 5455 of 2012 House Bill Higher education; financial aid; administration of police officer's and fire fighter's survivor tuition act; transfer to department of treasury. Amends sec. 2 of 1996 PA 195 (MCL 390.1242).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/07/2012
HB 5468 of 2012
(PA 260 of 2012)
House Bill Communications; telecommunications; collection of 9-1-1 surcharge on prepaid wireless communication devices; modify. Amends secs. 102, 401a, 401b, 401c, 401d & 717 of 1986 PA 32 (MCL 484.1102 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 260'12 with immediate effect
HB 5561 of 2012 House Bill Communications; telecommunications; annual audit of PSAPs and secondary PSAPs; require. Amends sec. 406 of 1986 PA 32 (MCL 484.1406).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/25/2012
HB 5701 of 2012 House Bill Insurance; no-fault; theft prevention authority; expand to include insurance fraud and house within automobile insurance placement facility. Amends title & heading of ch. 61 & secs. 3301, 3330, 4501, 6101, 6105, 6107 & 6110 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3301 et seq.); adds secs. 6104, 6104a, 6104b & 6108 & repeals secs. 6103 & 6111 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.6103 & 500.6111).
HB 5709 of 2012 House Bill Health; research; department of community health to conduct research regarding products containing synthetic cannabinoids; require. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 7545a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/01/2012
HB 5790 of 2012 House Bill Courts; funding; forensic laboratory funding act; reestablish, and increase assessment. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5791'12
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/19/2012
HB 5793 of 2012
(PA 318 of 2012)
House Bill Law enforcement; fingerprinting; processing fees for fingerprinting and criminal record checks; extend sunset. Amends sec. 3 of 1935 PA 120 (MCL 28.273).
Last Action: assigned PA 318'12 with immediate effect
HB 5843 of 2012
(PA 455 of 2012)
House Bill Crimes; other; organized retail crime act; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 455'12 2012 ADDENDA
HB 5873 of 2012
(PA 470 of 2012)
House Bill Higher education; financial aid; administration of police officer's and fire fighter's survivor tuition act; transfer to department of treasury and revise application process. Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of 1996 PA 195 (MCL 390.1241 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 470'12 with immediate effect 2012 ADDENDA
HB 5952 of 2012
(PA 433 of 2012)
House Bill Communications; telecommunications; 9-1-1 surcharge on prepaid wireless communication devices; modify remittance process. Amends sec. 401c of 1986 PA 32 (MCL 484.1401c).
Last Action: assigned PA 433'12 with immediate effect