Section 380.4 |
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Definitions; E to I.
Section 380.5 |
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Definitions; L to R.
Section 380.6 |
Section |
Definitions; S, T; "department" defined.
Section 380.11a |
Section |
General powers school district.
Section 380.14 |
Section |
Petitions; violation.
Section 380.503 |
Section |
Public school academy; issuance of contract; priority; petition to place question on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable laws; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; oath of office.
Section 380.613 |
Section |
Board; annual meeting; election and duties of officers; treasurer's bonds.
Section 380.614 |
Section |
Board; election of members; resolution; notice of meeting; acting chairperson and secretary; open meeting; term; vacancy; nominating petition; signatures; filing petition and affidavit; ballots; filing fee.
Section 380.616 |
Section |
Adoption of MCL 380.615 to 380.617; submission of question to school electors; form; resolutions; election; termination of popular election.
Section 380.617 |
Section |
Candidate for office of board member; nomination; election.
Section 380.629 |
Section |
Borrowing by intermediate school board; purposes; limitations on borrowing money or issuing bonds; resolution by constituent school district not to participate in cooperative program or conduct election.
Section 380.661 |
Section |
Submission of question to school electors at regular or special school election.
Section 380.681 |
Section |
Career and technical education program; approval by vote of electors; election; submission of question; form of ballot; limitation on number of mills to be levied; use of tax proceeds; repayment of misspent funds; number of elections; publication of audit results; responsibility of state board.
Section 380.682 |
Section |
Area vocational-technical education; submitting question of increasing millage limit; election; form of ballot.
Section 380.687 |
Section |
Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitation; submission to school electors; form of ballot; use of proceeds from bonds issued or refunded.
Section 380.690 |
Section |
Nonparticipation or participation by certain school districts in area vocational-technical education program; resolution; election; funding; expenditures; buildings, sites, and equipment.
Section 380.701 |
Section |
Combining adjoining intermediate school districts to form single intermediate school district; resolution; submission of question to electors; petitions; form of ballot; effective date of reorganization; interim board; superintendent; reorganization meeting; election of board; auditing accounts; contracts; special education programs; annual property tax rates.
Section 380.702 |
Section |
Annexation of intermediate school district; resolution; election; adoption of special education program and annual tax rate; ballot; approval of proposed annexation; filing result of election; funds and property; release from liability; effective date of annexation; notices; appointment and terms of board members.
Section 380.703 |
Section |
Plan for disorganization of intermediate school district; request; resolution; notice of meeting; approval of state board; finality; effective date of disorganization; joint meetings of boards; distribution of assets; taxes; appointment of intermediate school board members; term; notification.
Section 380.705 |
Section |
Regional enhancement property tax; levy by intermediate school district, school district, or public school academy; resolution submitting question to voters; election; calculation and payment of revenue; pupils counted in membership; allocation or payment to constituent district; receipt of revenue by public school academy; receipt of revenue; term and renewal of tax; presentment of tax to electors as separate question; public school academy as single constituent district; use of revenue from regional enhancement property tax; intermediate or public school academy as constituent district.
Section 380.853 |
Section |
Petitions; preparation; form; contents; signature; circulation; return of petitions to school district filing official; expiration date.
Section 380.854 |
Section |
Certification of number of registered general electors; basis for determining required number of signatures; registration after date of certification; effect of additional registrations; eligibility to sign petition.
Section 380.855 |
Section |
Canvass of petitions; purpose; determining validity of signatures.
Section 380.856 |
Section |
Submitting question of consolidation to school electors at next regular school election or special election; petitions not required in certain school districts.
Section 380.857 |
Section |
Submitting question of establishing consolidated school district to school electors at regular school election or special election; voting as unit; day and hours of elections.
Section 380.858 |
Section |
Election notices.
Section 380.859 |
Section |
Form of ballot question; affirmative vote of majority required; effective date of consolidation; reimbursements; expenses.
Section 380.860 |
Section |
Submitting questions of assuming bonded indebtedness or increasing constitutional limitation on taxes; form; payment of bonded indebtedness; applicability of MCL 380.864.
Section 380.861 |
Section |
Appointment of board; filing acceptance of office and affidavit of eligibility; election and terms of board members.
Section 380.931 |
Section |
Division of district; resolution; petition; election; certifying number of registered school electors; effective date of division; description of division.
Section 380.932 |
Section |
Division of district; election; submission of question; ballot; approval; ratification; territory; taxes; certified statement of vote; declaration of division; attachment to operating district; distribution of money and property; effective date.
Section 380.945 |
Section |
Election; resolution; conduct; canvass; question.
Section 380.1206 |
Section |
Conduct of elections under MCL 168.301 to 168.315.
Section 380.1212 |
Section |
Sinking fund; creation; purpose; tax levy; audit; submission of proposition to school electors; election; ballot; approval; definitions.
Section 380.1216 |
Section |
Use of money raised by tax.
Section 380.1351 |
Section |
Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitations; bonds or notes as full faith and credit tax limited obligations.
Section 380.1361 |
Section |
Bonds; election; ballot; surplusage.
Section 380.1451 |
Section |
Public library; establishment; tax for support and maintenance; levy and collection; rate of tax authorized or voted; election.
Section 380.1722 |
Section |
Adoption of MCL 380.1722 to 380.1729; submission of question; election; approval.
Section 380.1724 |
Section |
Increasing millage limit; submission of question; election; form of ballot.